Is it healthy to heat food in the microwave?

the World Health Organization Indicates whether the food will be heated in microwave oven Is it good or bad for health.

The microwave is one of the most widely used inventions in history. This is due to the practicality of heating, defrosting and even preparing food quickly and easily. Despite this, there are many myths and supposed scientific knowledge that indicate that its regular use can cause serious health damage. In fact, the possibility of its originating from diseases such as cancer and cell problems has been talked about.

These arguments range from observations that heating food in microwave oven Food loses its nutrients, to say it is heavily exposed to radiation. One of the main concerns revolves around the high-frequency waves that generate heat and the functionality of the device. In this regard, the World Health Organization had to explain the effects of this type of product on the human body.

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Don’t use microwaves just to heat food. In fact, they are present in almost all of our devices. When we turn on the TV, when we use GPS, when we make a phone call, we use this kind of energy microwave oven. Which means that all the time people come into contact with these low frequency waves like a radio or a light bulb that lights up your room. When these microwaves come into contact with the water molecules contained in the food, they experience friction and heat up.

Does heating food in the microwave cause it to lose its nutrients?

For this reason, the World Health Organization warns and suggests that you stop worrying about this type of electrical appliance that does not make food “radioactive”. However, the theory that food loses nutrients when heated in microwave oven It’s not fake after all. Because a large portion of these nutrients are in the water molecules, which when heated and evaporated, ends up taking away some of these benefits.

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For example, study BBC They discovered that in broccoli, when you put it in the microwave, 97% of the flavonoids are gone. However, the loss of nutrients is mainly related to the type of food, the cooking time and the temperature to which it is exposed. According to the World Health Organization, the nutritional values ​​of food are not affected if the food is heated for less than a minute.

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