In El Salvador they warn of plans for one party

The Director of Political Affairs in the Northern Territory, Eric Ivan Ortiz, indicated in recent statements to El Mundo newspaper that they decided to participate in the elections, because if they did not do so, one party would be united.

The activist accused the current government of “protecting everything to ensure the constitutional re-election of the current president and to maintain and even increase the legislative connection favorable to its plans to completely seize power in the country.”

“We are not in a context where there are equal conditions. We have an official player who wants to be a referee, a player, a field player and an audience, and we start from a scenario in which the state decided to direct the country towards one party, while preserving the presidency, the assembly and the municipal governments.” He said.

The idea is not new in the country, as some government measures, such as reducing the number of representatives in the Legislative Assembly from 84 to 60 and the number of municipalities to 44, indicate this logic, according to the assessments of experts such as Dr. Oscar Picardo, Director of the Institute of Science, Technology and Innovation of the Francisco Gavidia University.

Given the support that the governor enjoys at the ballot boxes, it is not unlikely that Nuevas’ ideas are betting on him obtaining 60 seats in the Legislative Council, which will in fact make him rule without any kind of opposition, which may practically lead to a one-party existence.

Picardo believes that President Bukele is in a solid position in the upcoming elections, in which the opposition from the left and the right is suffering from complete division due to the lack of unified forces to confront him.

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Depending on how strong the economic hit is, which may be the worst for some at the moment, we will have to see if there could be an erosion or decline that could affect the re-election, even today which is something we have not seen in the so-called academic. Thumbelina of the Americas.

In El Salvador, it may happen that the popularity of the president leads to the withdrawal of votes towards his supporters on ballot papers for seats in the Assembly, and if that happens, as the expert explained, there may be a government without any kind of opposition.


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