How to see Passwords are hidden behind asterisks in the browser

The safest thing that we can do to protect our social media accounts and profiles is to use different, long and complicated passwords. This means we don’t always remember which one is. As we’ll see below, it’s easy See passwords saved behind asterisks When you log in and that is why it is necessary and essential not to leave it stored on computers where someone can access it and not only you, as anyone can take this computer or laptop and access your passwords.

Show password

Multiple web pages allow you Click on “Show Password” (Or “show password” if the website is in English, of course) when asterisks appear and you can automatically see what each word * has been translated into and what a group *** means when you log in. But it depends on the web page because not all of them have this button to show the password so we know what the password is. In these cases, there are ways to see passwords hidden behind asterisks in the browser and we pass them by.

For inspection

We don’t have to do anything other than go to the webpage we want as the asterisks are in the password field. To do that, we just have to place the cursor in the password field where asterisks are displayed and click on the right mouse button. Next, we choose the Scan option from the contextual menu and this Debug or developer view will open From the browser we’re using at that moment.

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There we will be able to see the source code of the web page in the implementation with the code corresponding to the field in which the password appears with asterisks. Although we do not have any knowledge of HTML, we simply have to locate in this line where it says input type = “password” and replace the word password with the text. That way, the password field will automatically become the text type field and yesE will stop hiding the password behind the famous asterisks The ability to see it without any problem.


Using this option helps us if we want to know our password for a service to log into another device, for example, or write it down and remember it for another time. There is no need to worry about the ‘insecurity’ because the next time we enter that page, the password will be displayed as always, under asterisks, and no one will be able to see it since the source code for the page has not been modified and once per page. The password field appears again with asterisks As always, the text does not appear as you just checked.

Check passwords in your browser

If you want to check the password containing “asterisks” in the browser, it is because it has been saved in it so you can go to the settings and check it from here. It’s something we can always do from any browser. Bear in mind that if you find a computer or it is your own, the information may be saved in your browser settings. Google Chrome and other browsers They ask us if we want to save Password when we type it. If you do, you can see it through this section if you don’t want to do it one by one by following the “scan” trick.

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And Google Chrome

  • Abre Google Chrome
  • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner
  • Open your browser settings or settings
  • In the menu on the left, choose “AutoComplete”
  • Opens “Passwords” section

Here you will see a complete list of all the websites which have saved passwords, username and password. Passwords or keys, as you can see, will appear in dots instead of. But enough of that Choose the one you want to check And touch the eye next to it. The password used for this web page will appear automatically.


You should bear in mind that the password you saved at that time will appear but you might have it Password changed later And those that are registered will no longer work. In this case, you can delete it if you like. Another option we allow is copy or delete. Click on the three dots next to the eye icon and a menu will appear where you can ‘Copy password’ (To use it or move it to a manager) or you can change or remove it. If you do not want it to appear in this list, touch “Remove” and it will improve the security of this profile, store or social network …

En Mozilla Firefox

Also in Mozilla Firefox, we can see how these passwords are after the asterisks if we go to the password manager of the browser itself. If asterisks appear when filling out a form, it is because you saved them previously. You or the person who owns the password or the computer you are using.

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The steps are very similar to if you use Google Chrome:

  • Open Firefox
  • Tap on the three lines in the upper right corner
  • Open the configuration or settings menu of the computer
  • Go to Logins and Passwords
  • Firefox will open Lockwise In a new tab

Once here, it will open Firefox Lockwise where you will see the username or Username of the webpage you want to reference And at the bottom is the password. You can click on the eye next to the password points to see what they are. You can copy, edit or delete it if you don’t want to keep saving.


If you don’t want this to happen and no one sees beyond the asterisks, We can remove the password manager from Firefox:

  • Open the emu button on the three lines
  • Choose the options section
  • Go to Privacy and Security
  • Open the “Users and Passwords” section

Uncheck the box:

“Request to save passwords and website logins”


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