How do we increase our privacy hidden in WhatsApp?

For many users Privacy It is essential when using social networks, messaging platforms or any website, so it is important to know the best way to protect or even hide, which is why this time we want to teach How to stay in hiding In the most used messaging apps in the world, The WhatsApp.

With these Configs We can hide our profile picture or even prevent anyone from adding us to any group.

5 tricks to hide ourselves on WhatsApp

There are several ways to increase our privacy in this messaging system, and through these five tricks we will learn different configurations with different goals that make us more secure.

Hide profile picture

To achieve this, we must enter “Settings” and then specify where the word “Account” appears, so that you can choose the “Privacy” option while you are inside.

Once you follow these steps, you must click on the option called “Profile Picture”, then display the three available options, one of which is to show the profile picture to all people who write to us, and the other is to hide the profile picture from all the people who write to us and the third option is to allow only For added contacts see the picture.

Deactivate the double blue check

The steps for this are entering “Edit”, selecting “Account”, clicking on “Privacy” and upon entering, to be able to uncheck “Confirm reading”.

With this configuration, our contacts will be able to see that the message has reached us but will not be able to know if we have read it, although the same will happen to us as well, because we will not be able to see others when they read the messages we have sent.

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Listen to audio recordings without notifying the other person

Unfortunately, deactivating double check doesn’t apply to acoustics, but there is a fairly easy trick to being able to listen to it without other people knowing it.

The secret is to share the voice with ourselves, so it is imperative to start a conversation with our contact number.

This is accomplished by typing the address in the phone browser, and replacing X with our phone number, in which the country code must also be included, but without putting the + symbol.

When entering this version of The WhatsApp The web will ask us if we want to chat on WhatsApp with this phone number, we just have to accept and the chat will open with ourselves, and we have to send a message for the conversation to be saved.

Finally, we must go into our mobile application, open the chat where we received the message and select it to be forwarded, and upon selecting this option we must choose the chat that we started with ourselves and then listen to it in the new chat.

Hide CV

CV is another personal information that we can hide, so we must enter “Settings”, then “Account”, choose “Privacy”, and then click “Information”.

Using this we can determine who we are showing this information to.

Prevent us from automatically adding us to groups

The first is to enter “settings”, then enter “account”, then select “privacy” and enter “groups”, and once there we can choose the three options available, which everyone can add us, and no one can add us or can add parties The connection we just choose.

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