Honorary King visits UK as Corinna’s lawsuit continues

This content was published on Sep 17, 2022 – 10:29

London, September 17 (EFE). Spain’s honorary King Juan Carlos de Bourbon’s visit to the UK for Queen Elizabeth II’s funeral will coincide with the ongoing lawsuit over alleged harassment brought by his former lover Corina zu Sayn Wittgenstein. , who resides in London.

The House of the Spanish King confirmed that Philip VI’s father and mother, Queen Sofia, will attend on Monday the funeral of the British monarch, who died on September 8 at the age of 96, at her Scottish palace in Balmoral, and to the reception. The initial presentation by King Charles III on Sunday at Buckingham Palace.

Don Juan Carlos will travel alone from Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates where he lived for two years, while Dona Sofia will travel to London from Madrid with King Felipe and Queen Letizia for the ceremony at the Abbey in Westminster on Monday, which will be attended by dignitaries from around the world.

The planned assistance to the former head of state caused controversy in Spain’s political sectors, although there are currently no comments in the UK from the authorities or from Zu Sayn-Wittgengstein’s legal team, contacted by Efe.

Don Juan Carlos is facing in the coming weeks the continuation of the civil lawsuit brought by his ex-lover, after the Court of Appeal in London in July allowed him to partially appeal a ruling by the Supreme Court in March, which denied him the right to rely on it. real immunity.

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The Court of Appeal allowed him to appeal specifically in relation to the actions that preceded his abdication in 2014, but not in the period following. It is possible – although this has not been confirmed – that his appeal hearing will take place in October.

Corinna, 58, accuses King Emeritus, 84, of subjecting her to “harassment” personally or through “agents” in his service, allegedly at times orchestrated by former Director of the Center for National Intelligence (CNI), Felix Sanz Roldan, between 2012 and 2020, which Juan Carlos I denies.

According to the plaintiff, these actions, which are demanding compensation for “damages” and a court order, “threatened” her safety and the safety of her children.

An emeritus’ appeal would either slow down the trial in Corinna’s suit or make it necessary, if the court finds that emeritus enjoys immunity in English jurisdiction.

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The Spanish and British royal families have a close relationship, and are linked by family ties.

King Juan Carlos is a distant relative of Elizabeth II, while Dona Sofia is related to the late husband of the British monarch, Prince Philip, who died on April 9, 2021.

If they coincide in the funeral homage, it will be the first photo of Philip VI and his father together since he decided two years ago to make his permanent residence in Abu Dhabi.

And from the last meeting between the two, last May, after the former head of state visited Vigo to take part in some regattas, there were no public photos.

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The Spanish royal house has already stated that it will abide by protocol set by the British authorities in everything related to Elizabeth II’s funeral, so it will be London that decides whether or not the honorary will sit at those funerals with his son, Felipe SAW. EFE

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