Google Maps captures a strange creature in a British castle | England | EC Stories | narration | revtli | tdex | the answers

It is a country with too many castles and it is rare to find a country that does not have the legend of ghosts or apparitions. Recently, it has become one of its castles in social networks.

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users Street View from Googlethe service integrated into Google Maps that allows Internet users to be immersive in any location mapped to a map, has made a disturbing discovery in Ludlow Castlein England, near the border with Wales.

We are talking about A human head, specifically a woman’s head, with two protruding shoes. The explanation for this bizarre image is a simple software glitch, which has generated thousands of hilarious comments on forums like Reddit.

A strange creature has been discovered in Ludlow Castle. | Photo: Google Street View

As collected Google Street View works by taking thousands of 360-degree images, which are then combined to form the final result of a street, monument, or avenue. With that in mind, there are definitely times when the compilation isn’t 100% accurate.

This is what happened in the photo that went viral. Sure enough, the main girl moved while taking pictures, and when assembling the pictures, her body was cut. This theory can be verified by looking at the pair of shoes in the corner.

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It should be noted that These photos are from March 2016.. Although the tech giant has since uploaded new Street View footage of that particular castle, people can still check out the older versions.

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