Girls and science

To the question Do you like science lessons? According to experts, the response has been positive in young children, but this interest wanes as they age, considering science lessons unattractive, boring, difficult and not applicable to everyday life, students say. By gender, girls have more positive attitudes towards science in elementary school, but since high school this enthusiasm wanes with a greater impact on them. When looking for an answer, researchers like Luedicke (2012) illustrate the importance of teachers ‘expectations and the “susceptibility to stereotypes” that socially create girls’ few abilities in scientific subjects, including physics, chemistry, engineering, mathematics, etc., causing anxiety and depression. Respect my self.

On February 11th, the International Day of Women and Girls in Science, established by the United Nations in 2016, was celebrated to promote a space that raises awareness and calls for the full and equitable participation in science for women and girls.

In different parts of the world, female enrollment in universities increased, as in the case of UNAM in 2015 by 50.7% among women, but fields such as mechanical and electrical engineering had 9 female students for every 100 students and in pedagogy for every 100 students there were 480 women. . A difference that indicates a woman’s preference for fields other than science.

This attitude towards scientific studies has a history that begins with the guidance and stimuli that students receive in basic and family courses, adding the additional defect indicated by the intellectual ability of women to form a family and to play a role unfavorable to thought. Development and recognition. In Mexico in 2015 (INEGI) reported 19.4 million girls and adolescents, of whom 0.7 per cent were still illiterate and more than a million and a half were out of secondary education. How do you make it scientific? We need education based on gender parity, teacher training to teach science, and stimulate girls’ creativity, imagination and confidence in their thinking and their value as people. We need to do this as a team, parents, teachers and community. Let’s also start by getting to know the valuable Mexican scientists that we have as a great example and reference.

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