Friday 7 Business and Economy

Mario Jose Alvarez Monroy 10/21/2022

Photo: special

Photo: special

Mario Jose Alvarez Monroy

We share highlights about the economy and business to begin on Friday, October 21st.

  • 1. The Deputy Governor of the Bank of Mexico (Banxico), Gerardo Esquivel, considered that inflation in Mexico has already reached its highest levels, and therefore the decisions of the Federal Reserve of the United States will not be an economic reference.
  • 2. Our economy is showing its potential, so much so that at the end of September 2022 there was a 3.3% year-on-year increase, according to data from the National Institute of Statistics and Geography (Inegi).
  • 3. Warren Buffett may think that cryptocurrencies have no value, however, his investment capital could indirectly participate in the launch of the digital currency “Nucoin”.
  • 4. Have you taken off your mask yet? Specialists from the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) recommend continuing to use it, specifically in enclosed spaces.
  • 5. Liz Truss caused a sensation when she resigned as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom.
  • 6. The 2022 Good End season is approaching and, fortunately, the Mexicans will not run the risk of getting caught up in misleading offers, because Profeco will implement a new strategy.
  • 7. The Volkswagen Group began manufacturing and selling fully electrified trucks in Mexico.

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