Francesca Jones, at the Australian Open with just eight fingers

She is one of the UK’s best tennis players Eight fingers on his hands were enough to qualify for the Australian Open final table. At 20 Francesca Jones Achieve success in this sport despite being born Osteodermal dysplasia due to digit electrophysiologySyndrome that causes their hands and feet to develop differently. Originally from Leeds, she was born with one thumb, three fingers on each hand, and seven fingers. Doctors warned her that she would never be able to play tennis professionally, a statement the young woman saw as motivation to do her best.

It didn’t take his father long to see how wrong these summer camp professionals were. After a brief period Jones immigrated to Barcelona at the age of 10 to continue training at the Sanchez Casal Tennis Academy – which Andy Murray also passed through – and has since resided in Ciudad Condal, where Andreu Guilera protects him on the slopes of Turó. Indeed, young people He has been in Spain for so long that he even celebrates the points in Spanish. “Let’s go!”. “I have big goals to achieve and I want to change people’s perspective. Tennis has helped me be who I am on the court.”

Jones breaks prejudices by qualifying for the final draw for the Australian Grand Slam despite the fact that, as she herself points out, His body is “not intended to be an athletic body.” “My syndrome is very rareBut this does not mean that it cannot become this way, “he estimates. The fact that Three fingers missingFor example, it makes it difficult for her to balance and distribute her body weight properly and requires her to be more alert to potential injuries.

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Jones had to face more than a dozen surgeries throughout his life. She was born with fewer teeth than usual and a cleft palate, as a baby He spends the seasons constantly in and out of the hospital, But she faces her condition calmly and is excited for the future. “I can’t wait to get to Australia, I’ve never been there before and it’s going to be amazing. I want any match to come, either with Serena Williams or another ranked tennis player from the previous gameHe admits.

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