February 5 Astronomical Calendar

Madrid, February 4 (EFE). Santoral for Friday 5 February 2021: Saints Agueda, Isidoro, Avito and Albueno.

The sun rises tomorrow at 08.23 and sets at 18.35 (GMT).

The moon will rise at 02:24 tomorrow and set at 12:47 (GMT).

1782.- English forces who captured the island of Menorca, surrender to the attack of the Spanish-French army.

1852. – L’Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg opens.

1912. – The Spanish battleship is launched, the first of the warships to be built after the damage inflicted on the Spanish Navy in the wars in Cuba and the Philippines.

1936. – “Modern Times” by Charles Chaplin opens in New York.

1939. – In Spain, leaders such as the President of the Republic, Manuel Azana, the President of the General of Catalonia, the Louis Company or the President of the Basque Autonomous Government, José Antonio Aguirre, flee into exile across the border of the Col de l’Ie crossing (Girona) towards France.

1943. – Boxer Jake LaMotta defeats Sugar Ray Robinson on points in New York.

1948. – The governments of France and Spain agreed to open the borders between the two countries that had been closed since March 1, 1946. The agreement entered into force on February 10.

1954.- In Indochina, the Vietnam National Liberation Front (Vietmin) near Dien Bien Phu, in northern Vietnam.

1958. – Jamal Habdal Nasser, the first president of the newly established United Arab Republic consisting of Syria and Egypt, is appointed, which lasted for only three years.

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1960. – The opening of the world’s largest particle accelerator in Meyrin, Geneva.

1971 – American astronauts Alan Shepherd and Edgar Mitchell land on the moon with the Antares module. The third crew member, astronaut Stuart Rosa, is still orbiting the moon in the command module.

1983.- Klaus Barbie, an SS and Gestapo officer during Nazism, known as the Butcher of Lyon, is arrested in Bolivia and extradited to France, where he entered the Montlock prison.

1984. – In Spain, Duke Alfonso de Bourbon suffered a traffic accident in which his eldest son Francisco died.

1985. – The Gibraltar Gate was finally opened for the passage of persons, vehicles and goods, in implementation of the agreement signed by Spain and the United Kingdom in November 1984.

1997. – Morgan Stanley and Dean Witter, the stock companies, agree to merge, to form Morgan Stanley, the largest securities firm on Wall Street.

2002. – The Italian Senate approves the repatriation of Savoy, descendants of the country’s last king, Umberto II, thus ending 55 years of “exile” to the royal family.

2007. – In Spain, cardiologists from Gregorio Marañón Hospital, Madrid, for the first time in the world, implanted adult stem cells into the heart from abdominal fat.

2008. – The Princes of Asturias, Don Felipe and Donna Letizia, in the Reina Sophia Museum in Madrid open the largest Picasso exhibition so far in this country. On display are 400 works of the Parisian Museum by the Malaga artist.

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2012. – In Finland, Sauli Niinistö won the elections that made him the first conservative president since 1956 and put an end to three decades of social democratic dominance at the helm of the Nordic country.

2014. – The release of “Futlight,” the only novel by Charles Chaplin that inspired the movie “Candelegas”.

2018.- The United States begins the gradual withdrawal of its forces from Iraq, after declaring the end of the war against the Islamic State (ISIS).

2020. – In the United States, the Senate acquits President Donald Trump in the “impeachment” case, being held accountable for due to pressure on Ukraine. This is the third “trial” of a president in the nation’s history, after Andrew Johnson in 1868 and Bill Clinton in 1998.



1878.- André Citroen, French engineer, creator of the automobile brand that bears his name.

1919. – Andreas Papandreou, Greek politician.

1931. – Vicente Barra, Spanish actor.

1933. – Miguel d’Escoto, Nicaraguan politician.

1939.- Miguel Boyer, Spanish economist.

1946. – Charlotte Rampling, American actress.

1972.- Mary Elizabeth Donaldson, wife of Crown Prince Frederick of Denmark.

1985.- Cristiano Ronaldo, Portuguese soccer player.

1992. – Neymar da Silva Santos Junior, Brazilian footballer.

Death cases


1937.- Lou Andreas Salome, Russian writer.

1991. – Pedro Arrope Gondra, Spanish Jesuit, the previous purpose of the company.

1993.- Joseph L. Mankiewicz, American filmmaker.

1996.- Antonio Ruiz Soler, Antonio, Spanish Dancer.

1998. – Helen Parmelin, French writer.

2009. – Julia García Valdecas, Former Minister of Public Administrations of Spain.

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2013.- Joan Dalmau, Spanish Actor.

2015.- Henry Cobins, Futbolista Bilga.

2020.- Kirk Koglas is an American actor. EFE

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