the Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom This coming December 25th, she faces one of the toughest Christmas addresses since her accession to the throne, as she will be the first to shine without her husband’s support, Philip Edinburghwho passed away on June 9 at the age of 99.
Although there are still hours for the Christmas speech to air, some details about it have been identified. monarch Already recorded her traditional message into English during the holidays, which allowed us to discover the beautiful details she had with her husband during the same period.
Trivia | How much do you know about Queen Elizabeth II?
Details with the Duke of Edinburgh
As is customary, Elizabeth II usually appears during the Christmas message sitting in her office with a tree behind her. On the table, the king always puts one or more avatars. If two years ago you decided to exclude Megan and Enrique, in which there was a clear and clear message to the Dukes of Sussex, then this king wanted 2021 She gives all the lights to her late husband.

This time, Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom has put up a sentimental photo of her smiling next to the Duke of Edinburgh. The photo was taken in Bradlands (Hampshire) for Commemorating the couple’s diamond wedding. In it, the heroes of the film appear in a relaxed and comfortable style, which on a few occasions they managed to score.
Elizabeth II’s details of her husband did not end there, but also He wore the brooch with a chrysanthemum flower of sapphire that he wore in 1947 During a honeymoon photo session, also in Broadlands. A romantic gesture with which Elizabeth II remembers her spouse without words.
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