Dual degrees from sciences make cut marks in Madrid society

until not so long ago, Medicine was the most difficult profession Access through Selectividad, with notes bordered pieces Maximum excellence (out of 14 points). Private universities have become the only alternative for those who dream of becoming doctors in the future. Yesterday, the Community of Madrid confirmed a change of direction, with dual degrees in Engineering, Mathematics and Physics occupying the most demanding cross-marks, with the option to study them also in English.

However, this does not mean that young people have lost interest in medicine, but rather that the conditions for access to some very specific branches are more difficult. Indeed, everything indicates that the recent epidemic has continued to strengthen the profession of health branches. This is supported by the data shared by Complutense University of Madrid, where he continued medicine, for another year, The most requested degree by students of the University of the Future (3483 applications, only in the mentioned university). But there are also reasons for the growth of new scientific disciplines. The data invites us to think that young people are betting on degrees that revolve around technological and digital transformation, realizing that artificial intelligence or algorithms have an increasing impact on our daily lives. The shift of energy towards sustainable sources and the growing concern of generations about climate change also justify this change in direction.

In particular, the degrees that reached an upper limit mark in the Community of Madrid are Mathematics and Physics Dual, Computer Engineering, Mathematics and Physics and Industrial Technology Engineering (bilingual). As for the most demanded universities, Complutense University leads the ranking, with 13,725 and 13,655 as his highest sieves. It is followed by Universidad Carlos III, which has among its offers attractive double degrees in Engineering Physics – Engineering Industrial Technology (bilingual), 13468 for International Studies and ADE in English, and 13456 International Studies and Law (bilingual).

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As if that were not enough, Carlos III has been very well received for two of his academic innovations, which rank first in this ranking. These are the degrees of the academic program for industrial engineering through a degree in engineering in industrial technologies (bilingual – Spanish) in the 6th place with a degree of 13407 AH Aeronautical Engineering in English at 13, which must have 13285 points.

As it could not be otherwise, and although it is in fewer positions than these universities, the Autonomous University of Madrid also appears, where demand has grown for options such as computer engineering and mathematics (13382). URJC appears for the first time specifically with the most in-demand humanities degree, such as the dual degree in Law and International Relations (13388). The highest cut-off score at the Polytechnic is that of the consecutive Industrial Engineering course academic program (13237).

Thus, it can be concluded that humanities or social sciences degrees continue to be more accessible, while bilingual programs are growing and the offer of specific dual degrees is growing.

Regarding the 20 degrees with the best access results distributed among its universities, in Complutense the same studies are repeated as last year, first in the ranking: Mathematics, Physics, Computer Engineering, Mathematics and, already in position, 11th, Medicine (13310). Carlos III Cup 4-6 with scores bilingual above and in English, while Autonomous, which comes in 7th with computer engineering and mathematics as mentioned and followed by medicine in the top 15 (13200).

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