Dr. Jefferson Brano specializes in general surgery at the University of Texas Medical Branch

Since June 15, Dr. Jefferson A. Prano Zamudio, graduate of Onam University College of Medicine, has been studying General Surgery at University of Texas Medical Branch in Galveston, Texas, United States.

After graduating from his Medical Surgeon degree in 2021, Dr. Prano Zamudio RNavigation carried out the search in Massachusetts General Hospital He attended Harvard Medical School for two years and subsequently obtained a position to perform his specialty: “Knowing how they work in other countries was a very enriching experience. I had the opportunity to collaborate with people from all over the world, we have built a very diverse international environment.”

He also commented that he chose a University of Texas Medical Branch Because it has an academic program that values ​​teaching and research; They have an integrated network of hospitals serving a large and diverse segment of the population, and this provides comprehensive training in all areas of surgery.You have the opportunity to rotate in world-renowned hospitals such as: Memorial Hermann Health System and MD Anderson Cancer Center […]And, most importantly, its resident cast reflects an openness to foreigners like myself.”

“definitely, I would recommend to more students to do any kind of exchange, be it clinical, observational or research, as it is so valuable I even consider it the only way to learn how medicine is done elsewhere […]. Dr. Prano Zamudio added: They get the full experience in doing research and what better way than working in high-profile institutions so they realize the obstacles and learn how to deal with them.

In the same way, he commented that his plans for the future include developing as a good surgeon during the five years that he will continue his specialty; accordingly, He will seek a place to conduct the subspecialty in the United States, where he has found many opportunities for academic development and surgical practice. However, he does not exclude the possibility of returning to Mexico and applying everything he learned for the good of the country.

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Finally, he noted that the Academic Mobility and Inter-Institutional Linking (MAVI) Unit of the Faculty of Medicine was essential in the linking process, as it supported him in the administrative part and the validation part of implementing the application process: “To make a major in the United States, it is not enough to pass exams steps, which serves to validate the medical address; In addition, to apply for the medical residency competition, it is necessary to be previously certified The educational body for foreign medical graduatesamong other things. MAVI helped me with these complex but essential steps.”

If you would like a similar experience, contact MAVI at [email protected], via FacebookMAVIFacMed, by phone 55-5623-2374 or go to the basement of College Building “G” from 10:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. : 00 hours.

Karen Hernandez

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