Didn’t claim the prize in time

On Friday, May 7th, EuroMillions puts on a big roll 69 million euros. The grand prize continues to grow with no first-class winners in the recent draws. Tonight, a lucky bettor could become a millionaire, but to do so, he must claim the prize on time as soon as the numbers and stars on the ticket are correct.

That was exactly what the winner was in ‘Million‘From EuroMillions in Coventry (UK). Match the winner of a group of a number of One million eurosBut it will never charge it.

The draw he won was held on November 6, 2020. Since that day, the lucky man has won Within 180 days To claim your money. You can submit your claim until 00:00 on Wednesday, May 5. However, no one notified the lottery company Camelot Who owns the winning ticket.

Camelot made constant calls for attention on social media and other channels to find the winner. They were all in vain and now the money is going to Social reasons.

“We confirm that every bettor reviews Tickets Online or through the “The National Lottery” application. If they play online, the ticket is automatically reviewed and you will receive an email notification if you win the prize, explaining toCoventry LifeAndy Carter, UK Lottery Winners Consultant.

4 other EuroMillions winners may lose the award

So far in 2021, at least four EuroMillions winners in the UK could lose their money. The countdown to claim their prizes started months ago, and each passing day is shortened.

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In January, two of the winners won a million in a row, but they have yet to appear. The January 15th winner has 68 days to do so, and the January 29th winner has 82 days.

The other two unknown winners matched ticket numbers in March. The Million Prize awaits its holder in Cheshire East. It has a duration of 124 days. Likewise, the owner is waiting at West Dorset for € 162,000: he has 138 days to present his ticket.

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