Dexter, the dog who learned to walk on two legs after being run over (+ video)

A dog learns to walk like humans after being run over. Photo: screenshot.

Dexter is a dog from Colorado, USA, who learned to walk on two legs as humans do after running them over That left her front legs useless.

When he was barely a year old, he was hit by a car in the middle of the street. His two front legs had a broken car wheel. Veterinarians had to amputate one leg and surgically put fingernails on the other. Later on, he underwent several surgeries and rehabilitations in an effort to regain some of the movement he had lost.

But his owners decided to give Dexter a chance to move on.

Ahora, tras meses de terapia y mucha paciencia, el animal pasea junto a su dueña Kenteen Larson por las calles de Colorado como una persona más, apoyado sobre sus dos patas traseras yando una son vrisa de los vecinos sac de la zona lo cada vez que Passes.

Larsons says Dexter’s example of improvement also helped them deal with the worst of the pandemic and have confidence that they should never give up.

In the video, Dexter walks on two legs like a human

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