Cuban scientist joins WHO scientific advisory group

HAVANA, October 14 – Cuban Dr. Maria Guadalupe Guzmán is today included in the World Health Organization’s new Scientific Advisory Group on the Origin of New Pathogens.

Together with 25 other experts, Guzmán, a science specialist and director of research, diagnostics and reviewer at the Pedro Kourí Institute of Tropical Medicine (IPK), will have the task of further investigating how the SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes Covid-19, emerged, Among other diseases.

The SAGO team, short for the World Health Organization Group, consists of virologists, epidemiologists and other experts from Brazil, the United States, the United Kingdom, Russia, France, Germany, China and Japan.

In addition, doctors from the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Australia, Denmark, India, Cameroon, Cambodia and other countries have been added.

The WHO statement stated that experts should act in their personal capacity to represent the broad range of disciplines relevant to emerging and emerging pathogens.

The text states that “in evaluating the applications submitted, consideration was given to the possibility of achieving an appropriate distribution of technical knowledge, geographical representation and gender balance.”

Many of these scientists work at institutions such as Oxford University, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in the United States, the Pasteur Institute in Iran, or Brazil’s Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, according to the list provided by the World Health Organization.

The commission was set up, among other activities, to search for the origin of the coronavirus that causes the current epidemic, as a mission of experts from the organization and others had already traveled to China in February of this year.

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WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, who predicted that the SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus would not be the last, said.

Dr. Maria Guadalupe Guzmán was recently awarded the 2022 UNESCO Prize for Women and Science for her research on dengue fever.

According to the United Nations, which focuses on issues of education, science and culture, Guzmán stands out for his pioneering work to better understand dengue, a disease mainly found in the tropics, which affects between 50 and 100 each year. Millions of people in the world.

Guzmán was one of the five winners by geographic region in the 24th rendition of this award, awarded jointly with the French company L’Oréal. (PL)


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