Costa Rican students have a positive attitude towards cultural diversity

Students take lessons at an education center in San Jose, Costa Rica, in file photo. EFE / Jeffrey Arguedas

Students take lessons at an education center in San Jose, Costa Rica, in file photo. EFE / Jeffrey Arguedas

San Jose, Dec. 16 (EFE). A majority of sixth-grade students in Costa Rica demonstrated a positive attitude toward diversity, school self-regulation and empathy, on Thursday in a UNESCO regional education study assessed for the first time in socio-emotional terms. skills.
A study of social and emotional skills in sixth graders indicates that 93% of student responses in Costa Rica were positive in terms of openness to diversity, a result higher than the regional average, which was 85%.
This openness refers to the degree to which students perceive or expect that they are able to accept, tolerate, and establish bonds with those who are different from them.
Costa Rican students mostly respond with “I want a little” or “I want a lot” in situations such as whether students who come from another country, of different skin color or with special needs, attend their course, according to a detailed UNESCO study. Also Students write a paper for me to respond about their school self-regulations.
In terms of school self-regulation, which refers to the ability to regulate their emotions, thoughts, and behaviors during the learning experience and persistence toward desired achievement, Costa Rican students achieved 81% positive responses, also higher than the regional average of 74%.
In this section, students mostly responded “many times” or “always or always” to situations such as “before I start playing, I finish studying”; “I follow the rules of the class, even if the teacher is not looking at me”; “I ask the teacher for help when I don’t understand what to do,” and “Even if things don’t work out, I keep trying.”
The third area of ​​evaluation was empathy, with Costa Rica receiving 59% of positive responses, beating the regional level of 55%.
Positive responses are generated when a student says they feel sad “many times” or “always or always” when a classmate has no one to play with, or is trying to help a classmate in trouble, even if it is not their friend, like that as it is Like in other situations that require you to put yourself in the shoes of others emotionally or understand their point of view.
The study was applied in Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Cuba, Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic and Uruguay.
One of the main findings of the study is that although the role of schools is important in the development of social and emotional skills, it is less so in learning achievements in areas such as mathematics, science and language.
However, UNESCO highlighted the essential role that schools play in providing inclusive learning opportunities for all children and youth and the need to provide tools for teachers to accompany students in their social and emotional dimension.

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