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Colboni celebrates that Barcelona will host the UN Global Drought Summit in 2024

mayor of barcelona, Jaume Colbonecelebrated the appointment of Barcelona as the headquarters of UN Global Drought Summit in 2024Because it represents a recognition and, at the same time, a reinforcement of the state’s commitment Barcelona In combating the effects of climate change.

Ten years after the Geneva Declaration, the Head of Government announced the Barcelona High-Level Meeting (RAN) on Friday at COP28. Pedro SanchezThe summit aims to agree on a new, ambitious road map that defines policies to combat drought at the global level in the coming years.

The mayor, along with the third deputy prime minister and the minister of environmental transformation and demographic challenge, Teresa RiberaThey valued the summit as the most important international event in combating drought next year.

Colboni stressed that the event will take place between September 30 and October 3, 2024, and its announcement comes at a time when Barcelona, ​​Levante and the entire Mediterranean basin are suffering from the most dangerous drought since records began.

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