Cecytem students will take the “Inspiring Women” project to Indonesia.

Using artificial intelligence and augmented reality, they work with primary and secondary school students.

By Editorial, DIARIO ABC DE MICHOACÁN, 08 March 2024.

Borwandero, Michigan. – Emily Amirani Ruiz Renteria and Frida Erande Salas Aguirre are two valedictorians from the College of Scientific and Technological Studies of the State of Michoacán (Cecytem), Borondero Campus, and the state has placed highly in science competitions.

“We created the Mujeres que Inspiran project for which we have won many awards and certificates of appreciation at different events here in Michoacan and in several states; we will soon be participating in Indonesia where the Talend Land 2024 event will be held,” commented Emily.

They are both studying the fourth semester of their Computer Support and Maintenance degree and through artificial intelligence and 3D augmented reality they have developed their project, which consists of working with primary and secondary school students, with teaching methods such as puzzles and videos to show the contributions made by women in all fields.

“The project aims to show the contribution made by women that helps us value their contributions to society and fight for a more inclusive and equitable world,” Frida added, adding that it helped her understand the importance of work and gender equality.

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