Brighton remained in a “difficult position” after Moises Caicedo rejected Liverpool’s offer

ESPN.comAugust 15, 2023, 15:57 ETReading: two minutes.

Brighton CEO, Paul Barber, He confirmed that Moises Caicedo’s decision not to accept Liverpool’s offer and Chelsea’s offer left them in a difficult position “hard situation”

Palestinian Authority

On Friday, August 11, Liverpool agreed to transfer Caicedo for $140 million, but 3 days later, Chelsea paid $146 million.

For any player, for the chance to play at Anfield, could you imagine him running on the M6? (the UK’s longest motorway),” he said in an interview with conversations.

Brighton could do nothing about player preferences:Chelsea was his favorite destination. We are in a difficult position, because we negotiated the deal and spent several days working with Liverpool to reach an agreement. At that point it was clear he was not going to Liverpool.“.

Barber went on to recount the chronology of what happened: “After negotiating the record transfer in British football, We had to do it again three days laterIt’s unusual, to say the least.”

For Barber, the value is justified: “He can become one of the best midfielders in the world.. We have to protect our interests, and our interest is the player, and we guarantee value to him.”

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