Brexit news: Should Boris now reintroduce imperial measures outside the UK outside the EU? | Policy

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Currently, the only products that can be sold in imperial units are barrel beer or pint cider; Milk in “returnable containers” per pint; Precious metals per troy ounce. Representative Philip Davies, MP from Shipley, urged the government to allow the sale of merchandise only in imperial proceedings.

Business Secretary Paul Scully said: “Now that we leave the European Union, we will look into the possibility of applying more limited exemptions for other traditional uses.”

But the poll asks: “Should Boris Johnson take imperial action now that the UK is out of the EU?”

Warwick Kearns, a spokesman for the British Weight and Measures Association, said people should be free to use any measurement system they wanted.

He said: If you go to the supermarket and want a pound of bananas or a pound of apples or whatever, you should be free to ask for it and have it.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson (photo: .)

Modern scales that can switch between imperial and metric measurements are now “quite common”, Kearns said.

Expect a pint-sized champagne to revive again.

For activists like Kearns, imperial actions are a direct link to ancient history.

He said, “I think it’s a living connection to our past.

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Metric scales can be changed after Brexit

Metric scales can be changed after Brexit (photo:.)

“Many of these actions come from the Romans, who in turn took them from other cultures before them.”

Sir Winston Churchill once described a pint of champagne as “the perfect size for a man like me.”

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The wartime prime minister said half a bottle was “not enough to make fun of my mind”, but described a pint of champagne as “enough for two at lunch and one for dinner.”

Anyone who hopes that Brexit will remove the metric system in the UK will be disappointed.

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Five key moments that led to Britain's exit from the European Union

Five key moments that led to Britain’s exit from the European Union (Image: Express)

Business Secretary Mr Scully said: “The government recognizes that some people prefer to use Imperial units in their daily lives.

“At the same time, he acknowledges that many others are not familiar with Imperial units and that the use of metrics is a must for British companies to compete in markets around the world.”

This comes weeks after Oxford University announced plans to “decolonize” imperial measurements such as inches, miles, yards and pounds in a new move.

This summer, university students were recruited to conduct extensive research on how to make the Oxford science curriculum “less connected” to Britain’s past.

Former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill

Former Prime Minister Sir Winston Churchill (photo:.)

Students, along with academics, will develop plans for teachers to implement recommendations.

It comes amid accusations that the mile, inch, square, pound and ounce are “inextricably linked to the idea of ​​empire”.

The change will promote a ‘cultural shift’ in teaching to allow Oxford students to ‘expand their learning’.

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The plans are intended to help students understand “the global historical and social context of scientific research” as well as to assess “historical work that reviews older accounts of scientific progress.”

Black Lives Matter of Protestants at Oxford

Black Lives Matter protests in Oxford (Photo: .)

An Oxford spokesperson said: “The university supports the STEM Diversification Curriculum Project, which is looking at how curricula are changing to identify issues of diversity and colonialism.

“We appreciate the students’ contribution to this work. All recommendations arising from the project will be sent to departments for consideration of next steps.

According to The Telegraph, an addition to the syllabus to consider is “the history of modern analogy, which is closely connected with the idea of ​​’empire’ and imperial unification”.

The unit system was introduced into the British Weights and Measures Act of 1824, and in 1826 it was adopted widely throughout the British Empire and the Commonwealth.

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