Bars and restaurants reopen in the UK What are your criteria?

Months after Restrictive health measures, The BarsAnd the Restaurants s UK cafes open. EnglandAnd the Scotland s Jalis Indeed the green light so that bars and restaurant customers can be inside them The interior. These are the new rules. Until then, only the terraces of these places were enjoyed by the British. Despite this relaxation, things are not yet back to normal, like some Rules.

The de-escalation plan that began on May 17th allows freedom when undertaking certain activities. However, the British government also plans Awareness raising For me to drink Precautions. And that is that the Indian alternative is very present in many areas of the United Kingdom. This strain threatens the “road map.” To ease lockdown restrictions. Also Vaccination against risks, So far, from the country.

Internal standards for pubs and restaurants in the UK

The rules are in England

The excitement that we can assume about making restrictive measures looser should not lead to neglect of sanitary precautions. for this reason, Certain standards have been established that customers and owners are expected to adhere to. The BBC Books A. Article It interprets the new regulations in a very schematic way.

  • Bars, bars, cafes and restaurants can serve customers at The interior.
  • The Groups of up to six people – or two coexistence nuclei (There is no limit for people) – They are allowed to enter.
  • In the the outside, The meetings have been extended to a maximum 30 people.
  • Building owners must ensure that everything is done Clients over the age of 16 register with the NHS tracking system Or your facilitation contact information.
  • Customers must order, eat and drink sitting From their sites, in places where alcohol is served.
  • When a customer Do not sit down For example, when accompanying them to the table or going to the bathroom – they should cover their faces with a blanket face mask.
  • It is also recommended Get away Social between groups.
  • Capacity is limited to allow for social distancing and table service.
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The government expects all restrictions to be lifted from June 21.

Norms in Scotland

The Restrictions have moved to Tier 2 in most of Scotland May 17th (Glasgow and Murray will remain under Tier 3 rules). For restaurants, bars and cafes, this means the following:

  • Can locals Open until 10:30 PM indoorsServing food and alcohol in accordance with local licensing laws.
  • The customer must Book in advance And the tables may be Up to two hours.
  • Groups up to Six people Of the three cores of coexistence you can meet in The interior.
  • Until Eight people From eight different cores they can be assembled into The open air.
  • The Children under 12 do not count In a number gathered outside, but inside.
  • You have to keep an extension Social distance With people who don’t live together.
  • The locals must gather contact information To all clients.
  • Hospitality accommodations are expected to remain Open indoors until 11:00 PM from June 7All regions of Scotland are expected to advance to Level 1.

Regulations in Wales

In Wales, up to six people from different coexistence groups can meet in bars, cafes and restaurants. However, people who do not live together, or who are not “bubble groups,” should stay 6 feet (2 meters) apart.

Based on these regulations, business owners have a responsibility to make their buildings as safe as possible:

  • They can even meet Six people of different nuclei. Do not count Youngsters Less than 11 years old Neither the caregivers.
  • Only locals can view Table service, Which facilitates Get away My body – my body.
  • Customer advise Protectorates With Progressing And your facilitation contact information In the event that health needs it.
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The situation in Northern Ireland

Internal hospitality will take longer to arrive. It will reopen on May 24, although this is pending review on May 20. Currently, bars, pubs, cafés and restaurants can be served just outside.

  • Customers must stay sitting At every table. With A maximum of six persons from two different cohabitation centers (Children 12 and under do not count).
  • customers Can be accessed inside To go to the bathroom, order food from the buffet or pay, but social distance must be maintained.
  • A must for locals Collecting customer data To help locate them if needed.

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