Asthma research, outstanding challenges.

the Health research in it asthma It represents a catalyst for many challenges, but at the same time it is a source of opportunities. In a complex model as much as it changes that affects this and otherslung diseasesIt is worth considering the point at which it is treated National Health System (SNS) And the challenges and tangible achievements that led to this. the 32nd Winter Meeting of the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery (SEPAR) It provided the perfect time and space to analyze all these issues from all aspects related to the study of the said disease.

he Separ Vice President, Carlos Almonacid, He wanted to delve deeper into the role Digital environments They have it in Assistance in health care, teaching, administration and research This pulmonary condition and the advantages and disadvantages of its current use and development. Regarding the educational field, this specialist highlights the work subsequently carried out by the scientific community itself Coronavirus pandemic In favor of development Telecare guidesimplemented and improved” with the still existing goal of “continuing the work” in this line.

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Carlos Almonacid, Vice President of Separ.

But it is also appropriate to inform and educate the patients themselves Information and Communications Technology (ICT) They have a more than noticeable role in this mission. The Manasid took the opportunity to point out the progress achieved in this regard since 2020, because at that time “less than 20 percent of SNS hospitals were able to provide remote care ‘under conditions’.” The tables have turned almost 360 degrees, as the patient can now see his history, analysis, and son Video consultation Practically at your fingertips across the entire health system.

“The patient can see his history and analyses, and the video consultation is at the fingertips of practically the entire health system.”

However, there are still “buts”. As for the second “singing voice” of Sibar, the applications developed for monitoring asthma patients that this scientific community has “are failing and becoming outdated,” and for this reason he believes that it is necessary to redirect efforts towards this title and Update and improve its features. For this reason, Almonacid sees “remote monitoring as the outstanding task” in managing asthma patients. a Correct use of ICT It brings benefits in issues such as Control, self-management or quality of life of the patient Not only in asthma, but also in other respiratory conditions such as Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD).

Lively arrived Marina Blancosecretary of the secession and responsible for Asthma Unit at the University Hospital of A CoruñaThe solution is for patient records to be based on “appropriate methodology” so that “the conclusions drawn are reliable.” If this hypothesis can be put into practice, the next step in the specialist's opinion is that “scientific communities must ensure that biases are avoided.” To do this, Blanco goes “one step further” and calls on departments to establish “regulations on records.”

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Marina Blanco, Secretary of SEPAR and Head of the Asthma Unit at the University Hospital of La Coruña.

In vivo models in asthma research

As a starting point for understanding the progress that has been made to date in the field of asthma, David RamosSPAR member, of the section lung diseases Subordinate Hospital de la Santa Cruz in Sant Pau And who am I?Institute of Biomedical Research (IIB) Saint Pauhe revealed the research procedures against the mentioned diseases In live animal modelsWhich he defines as “the axis around which everything else revolves.” He considers its use today “indispensable,” as “without it, we would not be able to learn the mechanisms of the disease.”

Outreach procedures for these subjects “can vary widely,” but always seek the same goal: measuring lung capacity in rodents while delivering increasingly higher doses of allergens. There are mechanisms for this purpose Mechanical ventilation And operations Unspecified provocationThrough which variables with physiological interpretation are obtained, such as Lung failure. Ramos explained that once this process is completed, “these animals cannot be recovered for ethical reasons,” and so they undergo an operation mercy killing.

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David Ramos, SEPAR member, from the Department of Pulmonology at Hospital de la Santa Cruz y Sant Pau and the Institute of Biomedical Research (IIB) Sant Pau.

A multidisciplinary approach to asthma

Another key point for an effective approach to treating asthma is interdisciplinarity, which should be clear from research. That's how he got the spotlight sandra dorado, coordinator Ciba Pulmonary Rehabilitation Areari pulmonologist in lAsthma Unit at Galdakau Hospital. “Taking into account all areas of SEPAR, we have many opportunities for collaboration,” he explains, adding that in dealing with asthma, pulmonology can collaborate with other medical specialties as well as with health professions such as Nursing Or physical therapy.

This is why collaboration between different disciplines is the prevailing trend in development Separate Integrated Research Programs (IRP)As well as in scholarships issued by the aforementioned entity. “It's a win-win,” says Dorado, “and we'll achieve a larger sample size and recruit patients in less time.” The goal for her is nothing more than “to do translational medicine” based on “different perspectives” that can benefit the patient themselves.

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Sandra Dorado, Pulmonary Rehabilitation Area Coordinator and Pulmonologist at the Asthma Unit at Galdacão Hospital.

Training researchers in the field of asthma

For this part, iniego Oganjuren, coordinator Separate emerging asthma group (GEA) Pulmonologist in Val d'Hebron Hospital, wanted to analyze what is the starting point for SNS professionals who want to devote themselves to health research. In his opinion, this region had a “narrative role” during the period Specialist health training (FSE), Therefore, once this stage is passed, those who want to conduct research work have “many questions.” The model they then face is not easy, because it “combines” issues such as pressure, lack of time or difficulty in accessing teachers and research networks for young people, as well as financing the sector itself.

“Research has a ‘narrative role’ in specialized health training.”

But even against all these points, Oganjuren sees GEA itself as a “facilitator.” Research work Which is accompanied by other separate initiatives such as Scholarships Or the Survival programsAt the local level. All these advantages allow, in his opinion, “to meet people with similar interests and make friends.” A network of professional contactsTwo questions will pave the way during the first steps in the aforementioned union.

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Iñigo Oganjuren, Coordinator of the Emerging Asthma Group (GEA) in SEPAR and Pulmonologist at Vall d'Hebron Hospital.

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Moments from the “Future of Asthma Research” conference.

Although it may contain statements, statements or observations from health institutions or professionals, the information contained in medical writing is edited and prepared by journalists. We recommend that the reader consult any health-related questions with a healthcare professional.

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