Abanca awards six master’s degree scholarships in actuarial and financial sciences

ABANCA will award six scholarships to study the Master’s Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences (MUCAF) at the University of Lyon (ULE) to people commencing their studies in the next academic year 2023-2024. This is the second year that the Bank has offered these scholarships, which cover tuition fees for two years of a master’s degree (120 credits) and include completion of methodological exercises at ABANCA.

On the MUCAF website (https://mucaf.unileon.es/) all information about the degree, scholarships and the application form are available. Once the application is complete, it must be uploaded to the platform where the pre-registration for the master’s degree takes place (https://preinscripcion.unileon.es/intro) along with the rest of the necessary documents.

The agreement that ABANCA has with ULE also includes the Bank’s commitment to continue awarding the ABANCA Award to the student with the best academic record for each MUCAF promotion, which consists of a scholarship to undertake a one-year paid internship.

In addition, the collaboration is considering organizing a new edition of the MUCAF-ABANCA Seminar, related to the contents and skills of the Master’s Degree. The fourth symposium was held recently, in which ABANCA experts analyzed four very topical topics: digitization, the actuarial profession, sustainability and social welfare, enriching the contents of the master’s degree and giving it significant added value. One hundred participants from different countries including students, professors, professionals and members of professional associations related to the actuarial profession participated in this latest symposium.

The Master’s Degree in Actuarial and Financial Sciences (MUCAF) is of great academic importance for imparting the knowledge required by the core curriculum (the International Actuarial Association and the European Actuarial Consulting Group), which summarizes the knowledge necessary to endorse the minimum training for the exercise of the actuarial function. Students have the opportunity to gain advanced knowledge about financial and insurance products, as well as risk management and the solvency of entities.

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ABANCA’s support for MUCAF dates back to the 2016-2017 academic year, when the teaching of this degree began, and is part of the Bank’s commitment to providing high-quality training proposals that can complement the training that both school and university students receive through all stages of their academic studies. life, so that they can have all the necessary resources to develop on a personal and professional level.

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