17 years ago, the band became the biggest selling album in the UK – Radio Concerto Chile

On this day in 2006, an anthology was released The strongest songs to what’s in It became the best-selling album in UK history, a title it still holds with over 6 million copies shipped.

The anthology contains hymns for the quartet such as bohemian rhapsody, We are the championsYes, do not stop me now And Someone to loveamong other things.

The collection was released in October 1981, and spent 833 weeks on the UK chart.

The album collects the band’s songs between 1973 and 1981. This list corresponds to the UK edition. In other countries it had different songs (some of which included… under pressurewhile in others it is in Greatest Hits IIIn other cases they included it on both albums).

It is noteworthy that the band marginalized its first album from the album’s track list, and this may be due to the fact that Queen I It has not had any major commercial success except for songs that fans consider classics, e.g Keep yourself alive or a liar.

It is one of the best-selling albums in history, with approximate sales exceeding 50 million copies worldwide. In the UK it is the best-selling album in history, with sales of nearly 50 million copies and more than 20 platinum records, plus the inevitable. Uranium tablet.

In the middle of this year, the album was re-released on the occasion of its fortieth anniversary. It included a collector’s edition of the CD with an exclusive cover, as well as a limited edition cassette available in five different colours.

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