WTO negotiations conclude today with progress

At the end of the second day of this summit of the World Trade Organization, its spokesperson, Daniel Brosin, outlined that some progress is being seen in the area of ​​food security, which is of great importance.

The official said there was a certain air of optimism, but caution, about the negotiations of the representatives of the 164 member states of the organization, in which they are expected to conclude on Wednesday with agreements on these and other issues, including the reform of the same cap instrument. the scientist.

As for the negotiations on the global abolition of fishing subsidies, something that has been negotiated for more than 20 years in the WTO, but once seeing a potential agreement, Prusin indicated to reporters that disagreements continue over how to eliminate those given to fuel, an issue Spain opposes.

He added that there are also differences in the type of fishing that can still receive subsidies, for example, artisanal fishing, or countries in which this sector represents a small part of the global total, although the figures for these exemptions are still not specified. .

Analysts agree that in order to achieve significant progress on all issues under discussion at the WTO Ministerial Conferences, a multilateral system is necessary to reduce decades of asymmetries.

They also agree that it is essential that the issue of development, which is of great interest to the countries of the South, receive the priority it deserves at these summits.

Likewise, they stress that the rich countries, rather than trying to impose their interests on the developing countries, should possess sufficient political will to help resolve these issues that affected the work of the organization and should have been resolved long ago.

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