With or without educational sciences, “Valcarcel must have university students”

Valcárcel will once again be the subject of debate at the plenary session of the Cádiz City Council next July. Adelante Izquierda Gaditana registered a motion urging the City Council, the Regional Council, the Andalusian Council and the University of Cádiz (UCA) to sign “once and for all” the agreement to unblock the rehabilitation project of the old nursing home, agreed by the institutions involved in October 2022, with plans to start the works in 2023 and finish them in 2026.

“As long as the government of Juanma Moreno does not put money on the table, this will not happen,” fears Carlos Gentil, spokesman for the Valcárcel University Platform, who admits that he does not know why the Autonomous Administration does not provide infrastructure funding in Cádiz.

He asks: “Will the Andalusian government not allocate 40 million euros to restore a symbolic building while talking about 400 million euros for the hospital?”

Regarding the return of the Faculty of Educational Sciences to the capital, Gentil sees it as complicated because the current facilities in Puerto Real are in such a deplorable state that the University of Central Asia will allocate three million euros from the exceptional investment plan charged to the rest. Valcárcel is a long-term project.

Should we give up too much? Gentile points to the reluctance of the students themselves and the wisdom of the university’s rector, Casimiro Mantel, “who has many open fronts.”

But he is confident that the public university uses that all the actors involved agree that Valcárcel must include student attendance.

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“For a building to be usable and viable, it has to have students,” he points out, suggesting that Mantle himself is considering the property hosting one of the two new degrees and 17 postgraduate courses that UCA will offer from the next academic year until 2029.

In any case, the platform will resume the claim starting in September so that Valcárcel does not remain paralyzed, because, as Gentile warns, “it will start to decline and it will cost a lot of money.”

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