Will we be able to achieve what is stipulated in the Sustainable Development Goals before 2030?

And from M&G they issue a clear warning: “The 2030 SDG deadline is not on track to be met.” According to the conclusions of the fourth M&G report “Counting the Sustainable Development Goals”, we face a major challenge if we as a society are to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (UN Sustainable Development Goals) and the 169 core goals before the deadline of 2030, set by the General Assembly. of the United Nations.

The report reveals this Only poverty eradication (SDG 1) and climate action (SDG 13) were able to improve their outcomes.due to the decline in the number of people living in extreme poverty, and the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development estimates that the United Nations goal of achieving $100 billion annually in climate finance will finally be achieved in 20221.

“In the meantime, Rolling back progress in responsible production and consumption (SDG 12) and peace, justice and strong institutions (SDG 16). Inadequate measures to decarbonize global energy, declining circularity, and deteriorating prospects for global peace are the main factors hindering progress. The Director notes that the rest of the Sustainable Development Goals have remained stagnant in the past 12 months.

As they explain, this year's report focuses on three themes related to the Sustainable Development Goals where investors have the opportunity to make a positive difference:

  • Combating waste and moving to a circular economy: Currently, only 7% of materials worldwide are reused or recycled, while 93% of resources are wasted, lost, or unavailable for reuse. The need to move from the “extract and produce waste” model to the “reduce, reuse and recycle” model is fundamental.
  • Climate change and nature loss: These two interconnected “planetary crises” threaten human well-being, global economic stability and the sustainable functioning of the planet. There is growing evidence that treating one without the other risks not achieving the desired results for both.
  • Challenging gender inequality: Although some progress has been made, we are on track to achieve only 15% of gender equality indicators (SDG 5) by 2030. At the current rate of progress, closing the global gender gap is expected to require 131 Extra goal. Years.
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“Our fourth annual Sustainable Development Goals Report once again confirms that the world’s ambition to meet the UN Sustainable Development Agenda is not matched by adequate action. Despite some progress, achieving the 2030 goals will require ambitious and organized action from all stakeholders. We are halfway to the target Final, and with the United Nations Climate Change Conference (COP28) being held, now is the time to get back on track by taking strong and decisive action to address the world’s major sustainability and development challenges. He said: “Investors have an important role in directing capital towards achieving goals and holding companies accountable.” To ensure real change occurs. Ben Constable Maxwell, Head of Impact Investing at M&G Investments and lead author of the report.

The chart below shows the score for each of the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals and the progress made towards achieving each goal.

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