When is the deadline for sending the Notice of Not Keeping Accounting?

The Tax Administration Service (SAT) has an online platform called “My Accounts”. Basically, it is an app with different sections that help specific taxpayers to comply with their tax obligations easily and quickly.

Rule 2-8-1-5. Dependent Miscellaneous Financial Resolution (RMF) for 2021 Prove that they are obligated to enter “My Accounts” applicationThe following contributors:

  • Those from Tax Incorporation System (RIF) With an income of less than 2 million pesos a year.
  • Individuals who have a commercial and professional activity (fees) or digital platform system, with an income of less than 4 million pesos in the previous year.

Taxpayers who can choose to use “my accounts”

The rule also states that they may choose to use My AccountsThe following contributors:

  • Individuals who dedicate themselves exclusively to agricultural, animal, forestry, or fishing activities who earned income in an amount equal to or less than 4 million pesos in the previous fiscal year, or who registered with the RFC in fiscal year 2021 and estimate your income will not exceed that amount.
  • The Religious associations.

Option to use “my accounts”

As a deadline for sending the clarification for choosing to use the “My Accounts” approach, Prosecutor’s Office Post the following considerations:

Note that the accounting is not kept on a monthly basis

For the above, rule It proves that the natural persons mentioned above and the religious associations that choose to use them My AccountsFor the exemption from maintaining and entering their electronic accounts on a monthly basis, they must exercise the aforementioned option by submitting a case of clarification on the SAT portal.

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Deadline to provide an explanation for not saving the accounting

The rule indicates that the clarification case must be submitted no later than the last day of February. That is February 28th.

The notice given in previous years will remain in effect

It should be noted that through the sixteenth transit of the 2021 performance measurement framework, it has been established that the notice submitted during fiscal years 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019 and 2020, through which they exercised the option to use “My Accounts” will remain in effect for the fiscal year 2021. This applies. Individuals who choose to use “my accounts” and provide notice in those years are required.

Taxpayers who started their activities after February 28

Taxpayers who register or resume activities or update economic activities and obligations in the RFC after February 28, 2021, must file a state of clarification within the next month of the date on which they register, resume, or update them in the RFC, as long as they are not obligated to send their electronic accounts to SAT.

– With information from Prosecutor’s Office.


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