WhatsApp | What does the letter “i” next to your messages mean | Applications | Smart phones | wander | nda | nnni | sports game

Did you notice? In recent days, many users have been surprised that next to each text of the files The letter “i” is placed in a main circle. Do you really know what that means? How can I remove it? Well, we tell you.

for you know What is the letter “i” from It is essential that you also know all the functions of the fast messaging app. Remember that the application adds a series of tools for the benefit of its users.

Look: Learn how to send WhatsApp audios with the voice of Vegeta from Dragon Ball Super without installing apps

What does the letter “I” mean in WhatsAPP

  • If your friend has activated temporary messages that disappear within 24 hours, the letter “i” may indicate that the said text will self-destruct in a certain period of time.
  • So that you are not surprised, WhatsApp decided to notify you so that you are warned. You can also deactivate temporary messages whenever you want or change the time they disappear.
  • The letter “i” also appears if temporary messages are activated in WhatsApp, but your friend will not recognize it because they are using an old version of the application.
This appears if you click the letter "me" on WhatsApp.  (Photo: mag)
This appears if you click on the letter “i” in WhatsApp. (Photo: mag)
  • To do this, it is necessary to tell them to update WhatsApp on their Android or iPhone so that they both use the same functionality.
  • Remember that you can update WhatsApp from the same Google Play Store or iOS Store, depending on the situation.

How to send audio files via WhatsApp with VEGETA voice

  • First, make sure that there are no pending updates for WhatsApp on Google Play Store or App Store. This is so that there are no problems when sending audio.
  • Now, from your Android or Apple mobile device, tablet, computer or laptop, open the browser of your choice and search for it you can go directly to the page by clicking .
  • The next step is to fill in the following boxes: in “Category” select “Anime” and “Dragon Ball” and in “Voice” find Vegeta for René García, a Latin American dubbing actor.
  • Scroll down and in the big white box type the text you want, for example: “Hi I’m Vegeta, Prince of Saiyans and I want to send a greeting to my WhatsApp group”.
  • Then, at the bottom, tap on the “Talk” button.
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