WhatsApp: Should I force close the app before bed? | sports game

mobile phones They have a system to force close apps if they crash or stop working normally. It will also be necessary to follow this procedure in case an app crashes permanently from the configuration section of your cell phone. This happens frequently in However, the above option not only restarts the messaging platform, but will also help you avoid appearing online when you are not using the app. Take note.

Surely on more than one occasion your friends or partner caused you trouble because they saw you online at dawn after entering your chat , which is incorrect. Why do you look connected? Simple, because backups are made daily at 2:00 AM, and if you leave the app open in the background, it will keep running processes even though you’re not using it.

The state of the connection can last approximately 15-30 seconds, although in some cases it exceeds up to a minute. How do you avoid following online? According to the information published by the technology portal firewireyou have to “force close” The WhatsApp Every night, it’s the only way to close all Meta app processes.


  • First, go to “Settings” Androidyou can locate it with a cogwheel or gear icon.
  • Now, click on the section called “Applications”.
  • Here you will see all the applications that you have installed on your cell phone. joining to The WhatsApp.
  • The next step is to click on the option called Force Close, which is located in the lower right corner.
  • Finally, the device will warn you that forcing the application to stop can cause errors, click “Accept”.
  • Done, this way you won’t appear online anymore when WhatsApp makes a backup at 2 or 3 AM.
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Steps to send audio files with LUISITO COMUNICA بصوت

  • From your cell phone, PC, laptop or tablet, open the browser of your choice, it can be Google Chrome, Safari, Opera, etc.
  • In the address bar type And press Search to access the page (you do not need to register).
  • Some fields will appear that you must fill in, choose the language (Spanish) and the voice of the character, in this case the language of “Luisito Comunica”
  • Further, in the text box type whatever you want to convert into audio with the “Luisito” sound.
  • Then click on Talk.
  • Wait for Fakeyou to finish the conversion process.
  • Finally, play your voice memo, if you wish, download and share it with your contacts on The WhatsApp.

How do I know the times when a contact saw my country on WhatsApp

  • Once the plus version is installed, open the app and register your phone number as in The WhatsApp official.
  • Then it’s about posting a status and going to ‘Status’ > ‘My Status’ tab.
  • Here, tap on the eye icon at the bottom to see all the contacts who viewed your Stories.
  • Finally, click the radio button that appears next to each person to see how many times they have opened your status.

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