WhatsApp even had to take stories into its app to repeat that it couldn’t read or listen to personal conversations

10 days have passed since WhatsApp Announce changes to terms and conditionsAnd the Stirring up controversy over its new terms. The company has now decided to release Stories in its app to ensure that they cannot read or listen to personal conversations as they are encrypted from start to finish.

Vegas stories Gradually appearing in MexicoThese are four instances where the company demonstrates that it is committed to users’ privacy.

The company also indicates that it cannot see which sites users share, and it will not share app contacts with Facebook either.

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The controversy was so great that the company took a week later It was on clarification Who do not intend to have conversations while Telegram, its main competitor, celebrated 25 million new users Within 72 hours.

To avoid further confusion, WhatsApp last applied for a three-month period to change its policiesThe aim is to “help” understand this for all users Privacy will not have changes.

Topic arrived at INAI decided to review these terms and conditions, With the recommendation that users review it in detail before accepting it. Remember to switch messaging apps Would not be a “solution” So that the company does not own our personal data.

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