WhatsApp announces new features for 2022

.’s app The WhatsApp It is one of the most used communication tools, whether at work or in the family group, there is a complete exchange of pictures, voice and even phone calls now unveils new update.

starting from 2022 They are enabled New functions for WhatsApp Everything seems to be trying to be a little more alike Instagram and Facebook Because they belong to the same company as Mark Zuckerberg.

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within WhatsApp News Do reaction function, as can already be done in apps like Facebook Messenger, where you can say how you feel with emojis.

last of 2022 updates This is .’s new job Hide contact, which can already be specific to one or more contacts, so who you don’t want will not know the last time you contacted WhatsApp.

It happens that it was a boom for WhatsApp when it was Messaging app Decided to activate voice feedback, you saved yourself writing your whole story and it was much easier to give details, but it seems that not everyone made life easier.

For this reason, WhatsApp introduces in 2022 audio transcription So you can read everything they told you if you can’t listen to them, a new option so you don’t lose touch with anyone.

WhatsApp announces new jobs for 2022. Photo: PEXELS

It is also revealed if you want to listen to the sound And use another app, it will now be possible due to the Facebook style bubble for keep playing From the voice memo.

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On the other hand, the groups that allowed you to put only one photo from your gallery on your cell phone, in 2022 you can already put up Stickers to identify each chat group. But not everything is a delight, as it may include advertisements for WhatsApp investment.

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The Ads It is least preferred by Internet users when using applications, although it is not reported how to promote or how to promote products WhatsApp will make profitsThe fact is that all new functions will be given gradually in each update of 2022.

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