What is it and how does it affect people? – Teach me science

The universe is a great sea of ​​secrets and mysteries. In our short existence, we do not have to understand even a small part of what this huge mass of emptiness hides.

While it is true that the universe contains within itself an almost infinite number of celestial bodies, stars, black holes and universes, among many other known and unknown things, our knowledge and understanding of the cosmic mechanism is still very limited compared to the vast amount. The amount of information the universe hides.

From time to time, catastrophic events arise, due to physical or chemical chance, or mere chance encounter, that ultimately release unimaginable amounts of energy, which spread through space, traveling even light-years from their point of origin.

Sometimes, these energy waves reach our planet Earth in the form of…<أشعة كونية>>, and is described by International Atomic Energy Agencyalso known by its English acronym as IAEA,<الأشعة الكونية هي جسيمات دون ذرية ذات طاقة عالية للغاية، تتكون أساسًا من البروتونات والنوى الذرية مصحوبة بانبعاثات كهرومغناطيسية تنتقل عبر الفضاء وتنتهي بقصف سطح الأرض>>, It is also estimated that these rays travel at speeds close to the speed of light, that is, at a speed close to 300,000 km/s.

It is also mentioned that there are two types of cosmic rays, galactic and solar. The latter, their origin, comes from stars large enough to emit these powerful waves of energy; As for galaxies, they generally come from explosions of stars that are in the last stage of their lives, i.e. supernovas.

The amazing thing about these cosmic rays is that their essence is still unknown to science, as there are currently only two cases in which there is a record of this cosmic energy.

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Image credit: El Mundo

In 1991, the first and most powerful cosmic ray was recorded, and certain data were obtained about it, but they are not sufficient. This cosmic ray had an energy discharge hundreds of times stronger than the energy released in the most powerful proton accelerator ever created by man, and its name was<يا إلهي>>. Information taken from the website Pierre Auger Observatory.

The second recorded cosmic ray fell in Utah, United States, on May 27, 2021, and was called<أماتيراسو>>It was less powerful than the first recorded beam, but still very powerful. This event has been studied before Osaka Metropolitan UniversityUnder the supervision of scientist Toshihiro Fuji.

There is not much information about this second event about its origin or its nature in general, and despite the many efforts of science, knowledge about cosmic rays is still very limited.

Since this second cosmic ray was recorded in 2021, until last November 24, 2023, which is the time when it was under continuous study, until it was published in an article in the virtual journal Sciences.

The same International Atomic Energy Agency states that with regard to cosmic radiation, the Earth is protected thanks to its poles and the magnetic field that surrounds it, which is called the magnetosphere, and from time to time cosmic rays reach us, but their consequences are null, although these are still huge waves of Energy under study.

Many studies are still needed to understand this mysterious phenomenon, and until now experts are continuing their ongoing efforts to uncover the secrets of cosmic rays.

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