What happens if you type in Google search engine “might be fourth with you”?

What happens if you type in Google search engine

Today, May 4 is a special day for Star Wars fans, as this façade commemorates the franchise created by George Lucas.

The date that fans have imposed to celebrate the beloved franchise since 2011, was born thanks to playing on the words that make up this day ‘May the Force be with you’, after the London Evening on May 4, 1979 News, a publication by the Conservative Party in the United Kingdom, to congratulate Margaret Thatcher , On her appointment as prime minister.

It was stated in the post “May the 4th Be With You, Maggie. Congratulations”, in which over time fans of the saga adapted the English phrase that means “I hope the strength is with you.”

In addition to the various celebrations that Star Wars fans have held for years, such as private meetings, this year Google surprises its users with an “Easter egg” in its search engine by placing the phrase “May the 4th be with you”, because in doing so, a group will appear From scraps of paper alongside famous personalities from the franchise.


What happens if you type in Google search engine
With beloved characters from the franchise, Google joins the Star Wars celebration (special)

Events, Events, Star Wars, Google

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