Wellness lessons for leading a healthy company

Highly complex contexts like the ones we have faced in the past 12 months involve an additional challenge for managers, team leaders and decision makers in organizations.

April 21, 2021

5 minutes to read

Opinions expressed by collaborators Pioneer It is a character.

Highly complex contexts like the ones we have faced in the past 12 months present an additional challenge for managers, team leaders, and decision-makers in organizations: how to transfer flexibility and balance to their teams to adapt “quickly and efficiently” to the new situation. Environment?

Undoubtedly, the first thing is to recognize the need for adaptation and not to ignore the essential elements of organizations: a learning curve is essential, adaptability is highlighted through new schemes such as flexible work, and the benefits are redefined – not the least – design. To deal with uncertainty.

We can say that the effect was different if we saw it by states, societies, industrial activities, or economic sectors, we can confirm that it was uniform in the mood of people, and from the signs that we saw, the study we carried out on Pass the gym, Which indicates that 35% of the total usage of our linked apps on the platform came from users who accessed apps Psychological health.

It is an important signal for those in charge of talent management within companies: the concept of well-being expands and includes an emotional dimension that is fundamental to the quality of life and health of employees.

Here are four wellness lessons leaders have learned throughout 2020 to embrace a healthy business approach.

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Focus on humane leadership: Leaders understand that achieving goals and achieving company goals is thanks to commitment, motivation, creativity, and harmony between work, personality, and communication, among other factors, which go far beyond the workday on schedule. A leader who understands this will not only have effective teams: he will be able to create highly efficient work environments that are key to innovation and enterprise growth.

Take a preventative approach to Burnt: One of the adjustments noted is that remote employees work 1.4 more days a month than their co-workers in offices, according to a study: Resulting in more than three additional work weeks per year. Organizations have realized the importance of preventing and managing to avoid Burnt From their teams, and we began to notice that many companies have set timetables to support the separation, in addition to providing digital tools to adopt new wellness measures with remote exercise, which can be 5 minutes of meditation, healthy prescriptions, online job classes or Other options that each collaborator can choose according to what suits him best. This highlights the importance of using health programs based on benefits for workers and companies, and investing in a better and healthier future.

Photo: Depositphotos.com

Promotes work-life balance: According to OECD data (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development), Mexico ranks second in the worst work-life balance, along with a radical change in routine, and there is a growing interest in setting clear boundaries between work and personal life, which is why new regulations have been created. Such as Name 035, Which allows the identification and analysis of psychosocial risk factors and prevention measures to foster an enabling regulatory environment; In addition to the recent approval of a repair Labor law to regulate Home office And to ensure that the necessary conditions are available for employees to do their work from home.

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Social distancing is not synonymous with isolation: to me Article On “Labor and the epidemic of loneliness, Published in Harvard Business ReviewFeeling of loneliness and isolation is the main obstacle facing cooperators in carrying out their work activities, as it is considered a loss of social interaction, which can usually lead to cooperation or the exchange of ideas or views. This is why leaders are also turning to wellness programs and physical activity challenges – remotely – to establish a moment of remote social connection, support a space for self-care and generate dynamics for greater integration.

We were already facing a new business model, where the importance of emotional pay was highlighted, enhancing a sense of belonging and creating healthy work climates. During 2020 the trend has accelerated, and now we see companies increasingly interested in joining in to be part of this innovation in the workplace, through which they work to enhance their productivity, creativity and well-being.

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