Well-being in the workplace is the focus of the organization

In the workplace, through the pandemic, the concept of well-being is beginning to emerge more strongly, along with the arrival of a new paradigm, in corporate human development, that seeks to put people at the center of an organization.

(World Wellness Day is celebrated every second Saturday in June, an initiative created in 2012 to raise social awareness about the consequences and importance of prevention and well-being for people’s health and quality of life.)

Ignacio Jimenez-Losano, co-founder of Coexistence, says, start It was created a year ago to offer various corporate wellness programs.

“When you used to hear about the world of work and the world of well-being, it seemed like both sides could not overlap. Fortunately today, this idea is losing steam and reality has shown not only that they can coexist, but including initiatives to treat stress and promote mental health and balance Emotion brings a plethora of benefits to companies, including finding improved productivity and return.” The investment,” adds Emiliano Aguilar, Co-Being Co-founder.

In fact, recent studies by the World Health Organization and the International Labor Organization show that enhancing employee health and well-being leads to companies becoming more successful and competitive.

The new paradigm of embedding well-being comes as a core component of the organization’s DNA, not a state employees should pursue outside of offices, SMEs, entrepreneurship or large corporations.

How can wellness become part of workplace culture? The initiatives are many and can be adapted to each company. They can range from offering development trainings, social and emotional workshops, physical activity suggestions, yoga, meditation, and nutrition service, to enabling professional listening spaces training Single executive,” they point out from Co-Being.

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It is also important that each company integrate customized software, based on an analysis of the current situation and accurate data and taking into account the experience of employees.

To design programs that adapt to every need, starting with coexistence, it is based on engagement reports, perceived stress level and “Employee Net Promoter Score” (ENPs), the tool that measures the likelihood that an employee will recommend the organization as a workplace.

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