Warm up before training! 5 games to start physical education class

Warm-up exercises before exercising are important to prepare the muscles and also the mind. It can be done using games. This choice is ideal for early childhood, elementary, and high school students; In addition, they promote social interaction and communication within physical education classes.

The “rotating” student should stand on the center line of the court and the rest of the class should stand on one side. So, when the first shouted “Who’s afraid of the big bad wolf?” The others will answer “Not me!”, and must run to the other side of the field without being caught by the “wolf”: they can only move laterally along the midfield to catch their teammates, who will also become “wolves” if they are caught.

Games to start physical education class

The class is distributed throughout the field and the player is chosen who must try to catch the rest, who has the ball in his hand. The moment the ball touches one of your teammates, the roles are swapped: now there is a new chaser. It is a very simple game that can be played since childhood.

Warm-up game

The YouTube channel “ChiquitinesTV” includes this song for kindergarten students to get ready before sports practice. The mechanics are very easy, as they are put under the orders of a sergeant who tells them which part of the body they must move. Moreover, it is a song that must be memorized because with each new movement you have to add to the previous ones, moving your hands, feet, head and hips at the same time…

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YouTube video

This activity is recommended for students over 7 years old. The teacher chooses one of them to catch and the others must try to rescue themselves by climbing over some object such as a bench, carpet or trellises. Participants cannot stay on the same object for more than five seconds, otherwise they are the ones who have to catch up with the rest.

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