UK agents explore reusing non-geothermal gas wells

Geothermal energy has multiple applications (Source: CeraPhi Energy)

UK-based Third Energy UK and CeraPhi Energy are co-exploring opportunities to reuse non-productive gas wells for geothermal production.

The UK’s third energyA private group of onshore gas exploration and power generation companies based in North Yorkshire, England, has announced a partnership with renewable energy developer CeraPhi Energy, based in the United Kingdom.

The association aims to investigate the reuse of Third Energy’s non-producing gas wells for geothermal energy. Third, it drew on CeraPhi Energy’s proprietary technology and expertise to assess the feasibility and commercial potential of reusing wells at its North Yorkshire sites.

The companies say the findings could be a game-changer for geothermal’s role in the energy transition and have a revolutionary impact on “orphan” and advanced life wells in the UK’s onshore oil and gas sector.

The feasibility and concept studies for well reuse will begin next month with an initial analysis of the MN4, KM3, and KM8 wells in the Pickering Valley under the direction of the new Range Manager site with Third.

The CeraPhi team will focus on evaluating the well development potential of their CeraPhiWell (TM) technology, a closed-loop downhole heat exchanger that extracts heat from the subsurface for use in various core load power applications.

• Direct heat for cultivation
• Residential heating/cooling
• Green hydrogen production at the bottom of the well
• Incorporation of heat pumps to improve heat recovery.
• A combination of heat and energy.

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CeraPhiWell (TM) is at the heart of CeraPhi’s strategy to eliminate the risk of geothermal scale expansion using non-productive, obsolete oil and gas wells and to demonstrate the “huge commercial potential” of geothermal production of up to 500 GW of additional geothermal capacity in the next 30 years in line With the Paris Climate Agreement 2050 to reduce carbon.

Carl Farrow, CEO of CeraPhi “This is an approach to incremental change and looking at the energy transition differently by using old, non-producing oil and gas assets to produce clean energy and aid in the decarbonization process.

“We’ve been discussing this with Third for over nine months and it’s a great example of a transition to clean energy by an operator who can see a clear benefit and wants to lead by example.”

Russell Hoare, MD confirmed the third “We have been evaluating the potential for re-use of our geothermal and other wells for over a year, and in continuation to the feasibility work already completed, we are excited to partner with CeraPhi on these specific projects with the goal of developing those assets for net zero in the future.”

Third Energy’s goal is to diversify existing power generation assets and develop new energy sources in accordance with the UK Government’s Net Zero 2050 targets.

Farrow stated, “Basic load capacity working in tandem with other renewables such as wind and solar will make a significant contribution to achieving the carbon reduction goal. Moreover, the reuse of oil and gas wells represents a new tool for liability management, clearance and abandonment. about obligations and responsibilities.

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“Geothermal production is simply using heat and heat everywhere. We know from oil and gas that the deeper you drill, the hotter it gets, so you can reach the right temperatures anywhere.”

Fuente: Company e-mail version

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