UAEM prepares dedicated medical professionals through accredited careers and postgraduate degrees

Rector of the Autonomous University of the State of Mexico (UAEMéx), Carlos Eduardo Barrera Díaz, said that approximately five thousand students who make up the graduate and postgraduate students of the Faculty of Medicine are conducting studies in academic programs of accredited quality.

Reading the first activity report of the Rector of the aforementioned university, Hugo Mendieta Zeron, the Rector highlighted that degrees in Nutrition, Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy, Medical Bioengineering and Surgery, which are studied by more than 2,500 young people, are accredited by external bodies.

At the same time, he identified, among the 34 postgraduate courses -32 medical specialties and two master's degrees-, taught by more than 2,400 specialists, 32 of them are of accredited quality: three recognized by the national postgraduate system CONAHCyT, and 25 by the Joint Commission Institutions for CONAHCyT. Four health and human resources training by both entities.

After handing over the digital language laboratory, 25 computers and 100 chairs to the community of this university space, the Rector said that recently, in medicine, rehabilitation works were carried out in eight laboratories, including electrical, hydraulic, sanitary and gas installations; The ceilings were also restored and epoxy floors were installed in three dissection rooms. The sewerage network of Building C was also relocated to avoid waste saturation and avoid flooding.

He pointed out that a few days ago, the third and fourth floors of Building “E” were handed over to the bachelor’s degree in nutrition, laboratories, and the environmental balcony. The Governor of the State of Mexico, Delfina Gomez Álvarez, was then able to bear witness to the great infrastructure work we have implemented, thanks to the correct use of resources,” he said.

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Hugo Mendieta Zeron reports that the Faculty of Medicine has five high-level study programmes, which are updated to meet the needs of national and international needs and expectations.
He noted that the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (COPAES) granted recognition to the quality program for medical and nutritional surgeon degrees.
Meanwhile, he emphasized that the Inter-Institutional Committees for Evaluation of Higher Education (CIEES) have evaluated and accredited the first level of degree programs in Occupational Therapy, Physiotherapy and Biomedical Engineering.

Likewise, he noted that the Mexican Council for Accreditation of Medical Education (COMAEM) has extended the distinction for the Bachelor of Surgeon degree and we are in the process of reaffirming the accreditation.
Hugo Mendieta Zeron considered that the Faculty of Medicine is distinguished by its commitment to training health professionals with a high moral sense, academic and scientific quality, humanity, inclusion and a culture of peace.

Photo: Private Portal

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