UA de C researchers enter the Mexican Academy of Sciences

As a further achievement of the research area of ​​the Autonomous University of Coahuila, Dr. Nagamani Balagurusami of the Torreon Unit of the Faculty of Biological Sciences, Dr. Rosa Maria Rodríguez Jasu of the Faculty of Chemical Sciences of Saltillo and Dr. Javier Morán Martinez of the Turion Unit of the Faculty of Medicine were accepted as members of the Mexican Academy of Sciences (AMC) .

The Academy brings together members with distinguished academic careers who work in institutions inside and outside the country; This organization connects scholars from different fields of knowledge under the principle that science, technology and education are essential tools for building a culture that allows the development of nations.

To enter the AMC, it is necessary to be an active researcher and to demonstrate consistent scientific production in internationally traded journals or books within the last three years, as well as to contribute to high-level human resources training in Mexico, mainly at the doctoral level.

Dr. Nagamani Balagorosami, PhD in Environmental Sciences with a specialization in Environmental Microbiology from University of Agriculture Tamil Nadu in India, Professor in the School of Biological Sciences at UA de C, since January 2007 and Member of the National Scholars (SNI) Level I .

In addition, he has a desirable profile in the Professional Development Program for Teachers (PRODEP), his field of knowledge is in agricultural, agricultural, forestry and ecosystem sciences, and he belongs to the academic body “Applied Biosciences”. Research includes microbiology and molecular biology applied to industrial processes for food, renewable energy, and the environment.

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On the other hand, Dr. Rosa Maria Rodríguez Gasso, holds a degree in Chemical Engineering, a Master’s degree in Food Science and Technology from UA de C and a Ph.D. in Chemical and Biological Engineering from the University of Minho, Portugal. It is a member of the National System of Level I Scholars and has a desirable PRODEP profile.

His research is based on the development of biorefineries by valorizing aquatic biomass to produce compounds with high added value applied in the food sector according to the principles of sustainability and circular bioeconomy; In addition, she is the author of 39 articles indexed in JCR journals and 23 chapters in internationally circulated books in reputable publishers and is the editor of an international book on industrial waste treatment, has two technical developments and two patents before the Mexican Industrial Property Institute (IMPI).

While Dr. Javier Moran Martinez is a biologist from the School of Biological Sciences at UA de C, he is a Master of Science in Animal Production from the Antonio Naro Laguna Unit of the Autonomous Agricultural University and a PhD in Cell Biology and Genetics from the Faculty of Biological Sciences of the Autonomous University of Nuevo Leon.

He is the Chair of the Department of Cell Biology and Microinfrastructure at the Biomedical Research Center and coordinator of the Postgraduate Master’s Degree in Interdisciplinary Health Research at Torreon Medical School. He is editor of Turion Medicine and chair of the Uniform Academic Board in Morphology.

Completed seven diplomas in health sciences, belongs to the National System of Level II Scholars, has a coveted PRODEP profile, is a member of the International Federation of Household Water Insecurity Experiments (HWISE), a numerical member of the Mexican Association of Human Genetics, a member of the Mexican Society of Histology and external member of the Coahuila chapter of the Mexican Society of Histology. (The Herald)

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