Tuesday wakes up … an attack by unions to raise SMI and scrape labor reform

by Father


09:00 UNESPA and ICEA will hold a press conference to announce the key figures for the insurance sector in 2020 and forecasts for 2021

12:00. The Secretaries General of CCOO, Unai Sordo, and UGT, Pepe Álvarez, hold a joint press conference to demand the upgrading of SMI and the abolition of labor and pension reform

The Council of Ministers held in La Moncloa

At 18:00. King Philip VI concludes the Ambassadors Conference


10:00 h. The current account is published for November

At 11:00. Eurostat publishes production under construction for November. Previous data (0.47%)

At 11:00. The Zew Investment Confidence Index for January is well known. Historical data (54.4)


At 08:00. Vehicle registration in December is known

At 08:00. It is well known that the CPI for December. Previous data (-0.3%)

At 11:00. The Zew Investment Confidence Index for January is well known. Historical data (55.0)


At 08:00. December car registrations are known

10:00 h. The trade balance for November is well known


At 08:00. December car registrations are known

United kingdom

At 08:00. December car registrations are known

10:30 AM. Publication of labor productivity in the third quarter. Past data (-1.8%)


At 08:30. PPI for December is well known. Previous data (-2.7%)

United States of America

The time is 14:55. The Red Book is released for weekly retail sales

At 17:30. The Treasury places three and six month bonds

At 22:00. Treasury inflows and public debt purchases by foreigners for November are known

Bank of America publishes its results

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