Treasury inspectors appeal to elect former London chancellor to cabinet

The Association of State Treasury Inspectors (IHE) announced on Monday the filing of a controversial administrative appeal against the appointment by free appointment of the Technical Secretary General of the Ministry of Finance until a few days ago. Marta de Andres Novo, the new UK Finance Minister.

Inspectors find that Marta de Andres Novo’s CV does not match “With the merits and requirements required in the invitation to fill the aforementioned position”, As they explained through a statement.

The Association believes that this award is not sufficiently motivated and does not meet the requirements set out in the invitation which requires the approval of “knowledge in tax, customs and budgetary matters, especially in their international aspects”.

[Los inspectores de Hacienda, contra la agencia tributaria catalana: quebraría la caja única y generaría desigualdad]

As the inspectors stated in the royal decree, Regulates the provision of jobs in financial departments For diplomatic missions of the Kingdom of Spain, it is expressly indicated that they must be covered, preferably either by members of one of the higher bodies linked to the Ministry, by State Treasury Inspectors or State Auditors and Auditors, or by lawyers. From the country that attests to at least five years of experience in a responsible position in the Ministry of Finance. In addition, it requires, among other requirements, proof of experience in subjects related to the position to be filled.

For the League, it is “worrying” that positions of such importance and specialization as those now granted to the UK Treasury, in which the main issues of interest of Spain and its citizens abroad are managed, are being entrusted to people who “They have not demonstrated in their professional lives the basic requirements required for the position in question.”

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The inspectors criticised “the unwanted politicisation that has taken place in public administration in recent years has become evident once again”.

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