This is how the ecosystem evolves due to melting glaciers, according to science – Enséñame de Ciencia

Image credit: Universe in Universe

Global warming has never been as real as it is today, where we now see green landscapes where massive glaciers once stood at sub-zero temperatures, causing a change in the ecosystem that worries experts.

If anything is true, it is that our home, planet Earth, is going through very difficult times due to the misuse it has been subjected to for so many years.

Thanks to human pollution of materials and chemicals that are harmful to the environment, greenhouse gases, pollutants in the oceans and many other activities are slowly damaging the planet’s delicate ecological balance.

One of the most concrete cases of these environmental alerts is global warming, a very serious situation that has been talked about for several years now.

This extreme climate change is the situation that has been attacking the planet for some time now, and it is caused by global warming caused by greenhouse gases which means that the Earth’s radiation cannot be released from the atmosphere, as it is full of these gases, as mentioned. United Nationsor the United Nations, for short.

Although it has been a topic that has been talked about and addressed for several years, this situation has not been tangible before, which has been confirmed thanks to research published in natureWhich reveals the change that some glaciers are undergoing and the consequences that result from that.

according to Any waterGlaciers are high terrains where massive masses of ice and snow accumulate, creating a frozen, frozen landscape in which almost no organism can evolve.

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Image credit: Gentile Francesco

However, due to global warming, some of the known glaciers have begun to shrink in size, that is, they are melting due to the heat we are experiencing on Earth.

This melting is causing areas where glaciers once lay, such as Greenland and Antarctica, to begin developing, a situation that scientists still don’t have much data on.

The fact that this ice is disappearing opens the door to the evolution of life, a new ecosystem in which it could not have proliferated before.

It is worth noting that this development is directly caused by the phenomenon of global warming, as ice no longer exists on its surface, and microorganisms arrive and die, leaving a space full of nutrients in which other types of plants begin to grow.

At the same time, the emergence of new plants due to improved soil brings with it large herbivores, which also opens the door to predators that will begin to stalk the area.

The Himalayas, the Andes and the Svalbard archipelago are places where plant life has begun to reproduce as a result of melting glaciers.

Although they may have slightly more beautiful landscapes, this situation is not natural at all, because it is caused by global warming.

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