They condemned the attempt to re-highlight the accusations against Lula in Brazil

Brasilia – The press office of “Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva” today denounced legal and journalistic attempts in Brazil to re-appear suspicions and accusations without evidence against the former president (2003-2011).

The communications group of the founder of the Workers’ Party published a memo refuting a report published the previous day in the newspaper Folha de Sao Paulo.

According to the letter, the newspaper in question involved “a ridiculous legal and journalistic practice against the former president.”

In the news headlined, “ Businessmen want a third way for Bolsonaro or Lula to win in 2022, ” the newspaper confirmed that the former president would have regained his political rights, but he had not “ proven his innocence in the corruption cases that have been denounced (judicial). Operation) Lava Jato.

Fulha’s claim is objectively wrong and wrong. In the rule of law and according to the Brazilian constitution, unlike the Inquisition, it is up to the state to prove the guilt, says the advisors’ content.

They explain that the decision to cancel the case has nothing to do with the petroleum company Petrobras, not only to cancel the sentences, which makes Lula innocent, like anyone against whom there is no conviction, but also nullifies the core of the accusations against him. . Lava gateau in Curitiba.

The report also confirms that Folha “recycles the suspicions that occurred five years ago against the former president” in the report.

He adds that the newspaper “ignores even that this tactic of doubling the charges to keep the defense overburdened was part, according to letters from the prosecutors analyzed by Lula’s defense, of the” Lula Plan “prepared by (Lava Gato) Deltanolle.”

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Lula’s advisers insist that the powerful post managed “for a long time” to gain access to prosecutors ’letter material and have stopped reporting much of what it contains, but it continues to publish, without criticism, the unfounded accusations against the former. Leader of the worker.

Fulha published an opinion poll on Monday in which 57 percent of respondents deemed the punishment against Lula fair as part of Lava Jato.

The former president was convicted of corruption and money laundering, but two weeks ago a judge in the Supreme Federal Court overturned the proceedings and restored had it not been for his political rights, a fact that shook Brazilian society.

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