They are directing the military in Brazil to distance themselves from political parties

Gateway R7 ensures the emergence of a directive among a joint team by the Department of Defense to submit a proposal to amend the Constitution (PEC) prohibiting the active return of soldiers running for elections.

“Such a situation (party affiliation) is contrary to existing regulations and subject to disciplinary penalties,” the Navy, which adopted the same procedure, noted in the memorandum on March 8, through the Bulletin of Orders and News, a restrictive document used to guide the internal public.

The text reiterates that the aim is to alert and enforce the Federal Constitution.

It affirms the commitment to independence and exemption with regard to the personal elections of its army, as long as it conforms to current legislation.

This means that the army must be impartial and unbiased regarding the country’s political issues. However, there is a gap in the constitution with regard to the possibility of the military running in elections and returning to the ranks after the end of the term,” the site quotes constitutional law professor Fabio Tavares Sobrera.

It states that “the military who chooses to pursue a political career may do so without harming the image of the armed forces or creating a conflict of interest.”

R7 found that at least 299 military personnel, active and reserve, contested the 2022 election. Among the contested positions are federal, state governor, senator, and representative.

Among the military who took on political functions while still active, particularly in the government of former President Jair Bolsonaro, there are the cases of Eduardo Pazuelo (Ministry of Health), Luiz Eduardo Ramos (Secretariat of Government), Walter Braga Neto (Civilian House) and. Flávio Rocha (Secretary for Strategic Affairs).

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Pazuello came to be investigated by the military for his participation in a political action with Bolsonaro, in Rio de Janeiro, in 2021. The reserve general now reports that he will go to the event.

The former Minister of Health responded with suspicion of violating the rule that prohibits the military from participating in events of a partisan nature without permission from the army command. However, Pazuello was acquitted.

The Armed Forces are directed in the context of the Presidential Elections Commission’s breakdown to prevent the return of military activity that takes leave to run for elections.

According to R7, the experts consulted point out that the proposal can ensure neutrality and avoid the politicization of the military environment.


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