These are the technology transfer award winners

Real Academia Galega das Ciencias (RAGC), in association with the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN) of Xunta de Galicia, You just failed to get the Technology Transfer Awards in Galicia 2021. These awards aim to honor applied research work, knowledge transfer success stories, and technology implementation business success stories.

The entity has received 32 proposals for the three categories of the competition and the three winners will receive a prize 6000 euros each, as well as a diploma accreditation. Prizes will be presented next Tuesday, June 29th at 7:00 pm at the Pazo de San Roque in Santiago de Compostela. The winning projects were Vaccine for marine aquaculture, biomaterial for bone regeneration and facial recognition technology to prevent adulteration.

Vaccine for bacterial infection in fish

The Francisco Guitián Ojea . Prize To an applied research work signed on the project Use of bacterial cell wall proteins as a basis for formulation of subunit vaccines with their application in aquaculture. The award recognizes the creation of an untransferred technology from which it derives clear applications for social and economic development in Galicia.

Researchers Recipients of the Francisco Guitián Ojea Prize (Nominated).

The researchers responsible for this work Manuel Luis Lemos Ramos of the University of Santiago Aquaculture Institute (USC). Carlos Jimenez Gonzalezfrom the Faculty of Science of the University of A Coruña (UDC); Miguel Baldo Dacostafrom the USC Aquaculture Institute; Catherine Valderrama PereiraFrom the Center for Advanced Scientific Research (CICA) of UDC; Anton Villa Sangorgo, from the UDC College of Science; Diego Rey Varelafrom the University of Santiago Aquaculture Institute (USC); s Jaime Rodriguez Gonzalez, from the Center for Advanced Scientific Research (CICA) of UDC.

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The development of new vaccines is one of the main needs of aquaculture to prevent outbreaks Infectious diseases that limit production and expansion of fish farming. This work developed a new vaccine against optical Based on the use of a protein that forms part of the cell envelope of the bacteria that cause it. The protein was obtained by genetic engineering in Escherichia coli After it was purified, it was injected into it Fish that generate antibodies.

Manufacture of bioceramic from shark teeth

Fernando Calvet Prats Prize Recognizes the success story of technology transfer and It was for the project BIOFAST – a vital substance for bone regeneration, from the New Materials Research Group at the Center for Research in Technologies, Energy and Industrial Processes (CINTECX) at the University of Vigo (UVigo). This team consists of researchers Pio Manuel Gonzalez Fernandez, Julia Serra Rodriguez and Stefano Kisiosi.

Biofast It originated in 2013 after the group participated in the project bricks To recover discards from sustainable fishing by sourcing biomedical products. Research consists of developing a process Manufacture of bioceramic from shark teeth For your clinical application Bone grafting in dentistry and trauma. This is the first time that a product with these characteristics of marine origin has been created, with a composition similar to that of human bone and with Good physico-chemical properties promote osseointegration.

Facial recognition to avoid fraud

Ricardo Piscanca Martinez Prize To a successful implementation of the transferred technology had to launch Role Alice Biometrics SLAnd the That arose out of cooperation with the Galician Technological Center for Telecommunications (Gradiant), headquartered in Vigo. company, Founded in 2019, was born with a mission to commercialize an identity verification solution that has been developed at Gradiant for over eight years, and has earned the support of the software Agnesia From GAIN, it became Facial recognition technology to prevent fraud such as identity theft.

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Team “Alice” (loan).

This technology transfer allowed Alice to launch a commercial product in four months and achieve it in 16 monthsWith a cumulative turnover of more than 1 million euros from 35 clients 35 to which other financing methods should be added. The company is marketing a solution that allows this Register new clients remotely quickly, automatically and securely Solve the registration problem Online One of those entities that need to confirm the identity of their customers by reviewing their identity documents in a secure manner. The end user also improves their experience by reducing the number of manual processes, costs, and activation times.

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