The role of women in science is essential in Cuba

The presence of Cuban women is a crucial factor in the country’s economic and social development, as their participation in the field of science is essential today, according to the authorities.

Among the achievements that must be displayed when celebrating the 62nd anniversary of the founding of the Federation of Cuban Women, are those that he has obtained through his related publications and patents.

In Cuba, 42 percent of those conducting research are women – among heads and assistants – who are the vast majority in terms of high-tech specialization categories.

It also accounts for 69.6 percent of the public health sector, 53.5 percent of the science, innovation and technology system, and 48 percent of the archipelago’s scientific universe.

According to the data of the Academy of Sciences, of the ten Cuban inventions that received the gold medal from the World Intellectual Property Organization, six are lead authors.

Regarding the composition of the said institution, as of last year 34 percent of the membership was women, making it the academic entity with the largest female representation in the world.

Data from the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment show that out of a total of 89 thousand 214 people designated for activities in this sector at the national level, 53 percent are women, and among the seven thousand, 750.

Researchers ranked, they account for 68 percent.

Another example is the Cuban researcher María Guadalupe Guzmán, who received the L’Oréal-UNESCO International Prize for “Women and Science”, a recognition that enhances the global standing of the association’s scientific work.

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Director of the Research, Diagnostic and Reference Center at the Pedro Curie Institute of Tropical Medicine has been awarded an award for her pioneering work in the field of dengue, among 45 outstanding women in sciences from

37 countries.

It was awarded for research that allows for a better understanding and treatment of dengue fever, a disease that affects between 50 and 100 million people each year, especially in the tropics.

The prestigious award, given for the first time to a scientist from the Caribbean, is assumed in Cuba as recognition of the pioneering role of women in science, and in general their empowerment in society.

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