The Ministry of Health denies the presence of monkeypox infection in the head of state in Khalaba

The Minister of Health of Veracruz has denied that there has been a case of monkeypox so far at the “Doctor Rafael Lucio” Higher Specialized Center (CAE) in Xalapa, How employees denounced the same hospital without revealing their identity.

And the unit explained, in a statement, that it does not “follow up on three other members of the “patient” family who entered the hospital’s medical area, as reported in some media.”

It should be noted that CAE employees reported the admission of a patient who showed symptoms of the disease on Thursday, without the necessary protocols and care, which they fear will infect its workers.

Staff expressed concern because they were also supposed to not be clearly informed by hospital management of what was happening.

For its part, Health ruled out the aforementioned case after interviewing employees from the Health Department of Xalapa, to which the Higher Specialization Center belongs.

The statement said, “The head of the area of ​​the aforementioned hospital confirmed that there are no patients with a possible diagnosis of the aforementioned case.”

However, the authorities made it clear that protocols and epidemiological surveillance are continuing.

So far in Veracruz, only three cases have been confirmed at the state and federal levels. The incubation period for VS is usually six to 13 days, but can range from five to 21 days. It often begins with a combination of the following symptoms: fever, headache, chills, asthenia, swollen lymph nodes and lower back pain, so you need to be vigilant.”

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