The majority of Brazilians do not approve of Lula’s coup d’état

Today, 75 percent of Brazilians oppose roadblocks and encampments at the barracks gates, in protest against the victory of President-elect Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva in opinion polls.

According to research conducted by the Datafolha Institute and published by the paper Folha de Sao PauloThat majority opposes the anti-democratic actions of Bolsonaro’s radical supporters, who are determined not to accept the outcome of the second round of voting on October 30.

Twenty-one percent of those questioned agreed with the statements, 3.0 suggested they would be indifferent, and 1.0 responded that they did not know.

The poll was heard by 2,026 people in 126 municipalities, on December 19 and 20, with a margin of error of 2.0 percentage points, more or less.

Among those who claimed to have voted for Bolsonaro in the second round, half of them are against the coup carried out by the followers of the former captain of the army, and the percentage reached 96 percent among the voters of the founder of the Workers’ Party.

In the region that includes the Midwest and the North, support for illegal businesses is highest: 29% in favor and 65 against. In the Northeast, only 14% are in favor and 83 are against.

Similarly, 78% of women and 73% of men reject the mobilization of radicals.

According to the survey, 56% of those interviewed believe that people who call for a military coup in these actions should be punished, because they need to respect the constitution.

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40 percent believe they should not be punished, as they have the right to demonstrate, and 4.0 percent did not respond.

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Datfolha also noted that the majority of Brazilians reject the measures adopted by the judiciary to block personal files and accounts on social networks of people who attack democracy.

In this regard, 63 percent indicated that they are against this type of court order, 32 declared that they support this type of order, and 3.0 did not respond.

The President of the Supreme Court for Elections, Alexandre de Moraes, condemned the coup demonstrations at the beginning of November.

“The elections are over, the second round ended democratically,” he said.

He reaffirmed that the Supreme Electoral Court had recognized that Lula would take office on January 1, 2023. “This is democracy, that is, alternation of power, it is a republican state,” he said.

For the minister, the outcome of the vote is indisputable and criminals who attack the electoral system will be held accountable. He stressed that “the majority of society believes in democracy and the rule of law.” (Latin press)

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